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Press Releases

The larval Drosophila chordotonal organ seen under the scanning electron microscope. This sensory functional unit modulates the processing of mechanical stimuli by means of the latrophilin receptor. Scale: 10 µm. (Photo: Scholz et al., 2017)

About two years ago, scientists from Würzburg discovered that a certain class of receptors is capable of perceiving mechanical stimuli. Now they have begun to unravel the molecular mechanisms behind the discovery.

Master students from the University of Würzburg during a land survey on wheat fields of the new JECAM site DEMMIN. (Photo: Thorsten Dahms)

Important crop information can be gleaned from satellite data. A new project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs is expected to provide further progress in this field.

Retina degeneration can be slowed down in the mouse model for childhood dementia: The ganglion cells of a healthy retina on the left; a diseased retina in the centre. A diseased retina under treatment with teriflunomide on the right.

Although dementia is most often seen in adults, childhood or adolescent dementia does occur. A team of researchers from the University of Würzburg believes that established therapeutic drugs might be effective against childhood dementia.


Molecular Lego

Usually, metal ions such as iron, cobalt, nickel or zinc and ligands spontaneously form colourful MEPE in solution. The team of Dirk Kurth has measured how quickly they assemble. (Photo & Graphic: team Kurth)

They can change colour, vary their spin or go from solid to liquid state: Certain polymers have fascinating properties. Researchers from the University of Würzburg have studied just how they do this.

Distribution of endothelial cells (red) and neuronal cells (green) in the brain of adult mice. (Photo: team Gessler)

The blood-brain barrier is a unique mechanism to shield the brain. Scientists from the University of Würzburg have now uncovered details of how it evolves. This finding offers new chances for modification and regulation.

The Wuerzburg Scientists: Giorgio Sangiovanni, Michael Karolak und Andreas Hausoel. (Photo: private)

Physicists from the University of Würzburg have discovered surprising properties of nickel. They could help unravel some mysteries about Earth's magnetic field.

Kathrin Krause-Harder visiting a temple in China. (Photo: private)

Kathrin Krause-Harder studied political science at the University of Würzburg. She worked as an office manager in the Southeast Asia studio of public-service television broadcaster ZDF. Today she lives in Singapore and works as a freelance business coach.

View of the bismuthene film through the scanning tunnelling microscope. The honeycomb structure of the material (blue) is visible, analogous to graphene. A conducting edge channel (white) forms at the edge of the insulating film (on the right).

It's ultra-thin, electrically conducting at the edge and highly insulating within – and all that at room temperature: Physicists from the University of Würzburg have developed a promising new material.

The researchers studied three mason bee species (from left): the European orchard bee (Osmia cornuta), the red mason bee (Osmia bicornis) and Osmia brevicornis. (Photos: Mariela Schenk)

Global warming changes the flowering times of plants and the moment when bees hatch – sometimes with severe consequences for the bees. This was shown by a new study conducted by ecologists from the University of Würzburg.

Scolding does not necessarily cause a change of behaviour as researchers at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Würzburg have found.

To goal of punishment usually is to stop undesirable behaviour. But in fact punishment may also have a facilitative to motivating effect as researchers at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Würzburg have found.

Nurse bees are - contrary to forager bees - active 24/7. Their circadian clock simply continues at the protein level. (Photo: Gunnar Bartsch)

Circadian clocks control the day-night cycle of many living beings. But what do the pacemakers do in animals whose activities do not follow this pattern? Scientists from the University of Würzburg have now looked into this question.
