Deutsch Intern
  • [Translate to Englisch:] Neue Universität, Sanderring

Excellent Performance Needs Global Perspectives

Today Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) is a globally networked institution. Many students, teachers and staff members have a foreign background. JMU offers international programmes and global contents. The scientists act in distinguished international networks.

Excellent performance needs global perspectives. The mobility of students, teachers, scientists and staff members is a major topic of internationalisation. International experiences support professional qualification and the acquired intercultural competence promotes personal development. 

The goal of an increasing internationalisation is to strengthen research and teaching and to gain novel perspectives. The prerequisites at JMU are an international, open-minded research and study environment, the opportunities for an easy integration and a living welcome culture.

A New Strategy for More Internationality

In autumn 2024, the University Board has adopted a new strategy for the internationalisation of JMU. It focuses on both cooperation with other countries and internationality on site.

Internationalisation Strategy 2024 (PDF, 650 KB, barrier-free)

Goals, Measures and Indicators (PDF, 404 KB) Status: 09/2024

Prof. Dr. Doris Fischer is responsible for internationalisation and alumni in the University Board:

‘Our previous strategy dates back to 2016. Since then, the world and the university have changed. We want to respond to these changes, develop future-oriented solutions and at the same time send a signal that we will attach more importance to internationalisation in the future.’