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Press Releases

The Würzburg biologists Markus Riederer (left) and Amauri Bueno found out why the leaves of the date palm do not dry out even at temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius.

The leaves of date palms can heat up to temperatures around 50 degrees Celsius. They survive thanks to a unique wax mixture that is essential for the existence in the desert.

Page from a french version of the "Narrenschiff". Such old fonts can be reliably converted into computer-readable text with OCR4all.

The OCR4all tool ensures converting historical printings into computer-readable texts. It is very reliable, user-friendly, and open source. It was developed by scientists at the University of Würzburg.

Professor Georg Nagel in front of the image of an alga in which a novel photo sensor was labelled with green fluorescent dye.

Controlling cells with light: Professor Georg Nagel has won another award for his contributions to the invention and refinement of optogenetics. He received the prize along with other laureates in the USA.

Small-scale agricultural landscapes (left) offer advantages: they promote biological diversity, pollination and natural pest control.

Diversity beats monotony: a colourful patchwork of small, differently used plots can bring advantages to agriculture and nature. This is the result of a new study by the University of Würzburg.

Graphic of a cytomegalovirus

A new international research group aims to develop new approaches to prevent and treat cytomegalovirus infection. Lars Dölken, a virology expert from Würzburg, is the research unit's spokesman.

Thomas Rudel

Professor Thomas Rudel receives a high-ranking award from the European Research Council. The microbiologist will receive 2.5 million euros for a new project to investigate pathogenic Chlamydia.
