Which state is the best in the world?
Theresa Paola Stawski, a political scientist from Würzburg, has investigated how well the states of the world function. Germany just made it into the top ten.
moreTheresa Paola Stawski, a political scientist from Würzburg, has investigated how well the states of the world function. Germany just made it into the top ten.
moreMagical texts of the Ancient Near East, Egypt and neighbouring regions are the focus of a new research group at the University of Würzburg. The DFG is providing around 3.5 million euros for the first phase.
moreIn cooperation with several German national parks, researchers from the University of Würzburg are investigating the role of carrion in our ecosystems. In the Eifel National Park, unusual guests recently testified to the success of the project.
moreCAR-T cell therapies top standard of care therapy in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma. This has now been shown in an international study in which Professor Hermann Einsele was involved.
moreThe situation of the Uyghur population in the Chinese region of Xinjiang has been largely unclear since 2017. Researchers are now seeking an approach using remote ethnography methods as part of an EU project.
moreHow do our genes determine the immune response to pathogens? This depends on small differences in the genome. The situation is complex, as a new study shows.
moreGreat recognition for translational cancer researcher Dr. Markus Diefenbacher: He was nominated as Associated Editor of the journal Oncogene.
moreWhen bumblebees move, their vision improves. Scientists at the University of Würzburg have now been able to prove this.