An international team of scientists was able to demonstrate in mouse and patient studies, how magnesium affects the production of blood platelets and that the TRPM7 channel function plays a key role in this process.
moreAn international team of scientists was able to demonstrate in mouse and patient studies, how magnesium affects the production of blood platelets and that the TRPM7 channel function plays a key role in this process.
moreLaser to replace breathalyser – this principle could be the future of traffic controls: Physicists of the University of Würzburg have developed a laser that can be used to measure alcohol in the driver's cab. But the new laser can do much more.
moreThe disability commissioner of the Bavarian State Government, Irmgard Badura, handed the "Bayern barrierefrei" label to the University of Würzburg. It was presented in the name of Bavarian State Minister for Labour and Social Affairs, Emilia Müller, in recognition of the university's efforts in the field of inclusion and accessibility.
moreDo plants have some kind of nervous system? This is difficult to establish as there are no suitable measurement methods around. Plant researchers from Würzburg used aphids for this purpose – and discovered that plants respond differently to different kinds of damage.
moreThe new ClassPad Mathe calculator brings state-of-the-art technology to classrooms. Professor Hans-Georg Weigand from the University of Würzburg develops and evaluates such calculators in collaboration with Casio Europe GmbH.