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Press Releases

The MAGIC telescopes

Astronomers have observed the most energetic gamma-ray burst ever recorded, which originated in a galaxy some 5 billion light-years away. The international team that detected the event included researchers from Würzburg University.

With this technical equipment, Dr. Barbara Händel (l.) investigates how movement affects the processing of visual stimuli.

When people walk around, they process visual information differently than at rest: the peripheral visual field shows enhanced processing. This is what neuroscientists in Würzburg have discovered.


Their work is most frequently cited in publications of other scientists. Eight researchers from the University of Würzburg have therefore been added to the Highly Cited Researchers 2019 List.

The DIACAT team with (left) project coordinator Anke Krueger, chemistry professor at the University of Würzburg.

At the end of the European research project DIACAT a public symposium takes place at the University of Würzburg: "Carbon Materials for Sustainable Applications – Perspectives in PhotoElectroCatalysis".

At the new Research Training Group at the University of Würzburg, alternatives to conventional antibiotic treatment are to be researched.

The use of antibiotics also leads to multidrug-resistant bacteria. A new Research Training Group at the University of Würzburg will provide 14 doctoral training positions to develop alternatives to antibiotic treatment.

Different Organoid Models

Scientists at the University of Würzburg have successfully produced human tissues from stem cells. They have a complexity similar to that of normal tissue and are far superior to previous structures.
