Deutsch Intern
Occupational Health and Safety, Animal Welfare and Environmental Protection

Emergency Contacts

In the event of an emergency or to report a campus maintenance problem call the appropriate number listed below:

In the event of a fire, disaster situation, oil or hazardous material spill or release call

the fire brigade at 112.

the University's Technical Maintenance Service Centre at +49 931 31-84444.

In the event of a medical emergency call

an ambulance at 112

  • Emergency response wayfinding system Campus Hubland Süd

     Locations of emergency meeting areas (orientation map for responders)

In the event of a poison emergency call

the Munich poison emergency helpline at +49 89 19240

- Mainz poison control centre
- Munich poison control centre
- North Rhine-Westphalian poison control centre

In the event of an emergency: After you have taken the first emergency measures...

immediately notify the Office of Occupational Health and Safety, Animal Welfare and Environmental Protection!

Safety engineers:

Herr Karl-Heinz Spiegel, phone. +49 931 31-82685

Herr Michael Schreyer, phone. +49 931 31-84897

Herr Marcel Kömm, phone. +49 931 31-86470


After you have a workplace or travel accident...

Your condition permitting, you should see an accident insurance consultant (Durchgangsarzt) as soon as possible!

List of accident insurance consultants in Würzburg as well as specialists ophthalmic and ENT clinics

In the event of other emergency situations (non-medical emergencies, major road accidents, etc.) call

the police at 110.
Leaflet: Verhalten in Gefährdungssituationen
Leaflet: Aggression and Potential Violence
Form: Dokumentation einer Gefährdungssituation
Violent Incident Report Form

Emergencies and critical incidents: information sheets

  • What To Do - Emergency (Accident, Fire, Etc.)

  • What To Do - Armed Intruder or Active Killer

  • What To Do - Suspicious Mail: Letter Bomb

  • What To Do - Suspicious Mail: Contaminated Mail Piece

  • What To Do - Suspicious Object or Hazardous Material

  • What To Do - Telephone Threat

Click here to download these information sheets.

To report campus maintenance problems call

the University's Technical Maintenance Service Centre at +49 931 31-84444

Breakdown Acceptance

Points of contact at JMU

University Medical Centre for Employees

Office: +49 931 31-82472

Addiction Prevention and Conflict Management Services

Contakt: +49 931 31-82020

Technical Maintenance Service Centre

+49 931 31-84444

Office of Occupational Health and Safety, Animal Welfare and Environmental Protection

Information and advice can also be obtained from the following individuals and departments...

Additional informationHausordnung der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

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