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Press Releases

Thomas Eckel walking through a coffee plantation.

A cup of coffee in Hawaii set the decisive course in his life. Today Alumnus Thomas Eckel is the managing director of a coffee roasting company. He advises students to look outside the box.

Microscopy of centrioles.

Does expansion microscopy deliver true-to-life images of cellular structures? That was not sure yet. A new publication in "Nature Methods" shows for the first time that the method actually works reliably.

3d-Model of the guard cell potassium ion channel GORK

The plant hormone jasmonic acid also performs a function that was previously unknown. It ensures that the leaf pores close when leaves are injured. For the plant, this could be an emergency signal.

Schematic scheme of a spidroin

Spider silk belongs to the toughest fibres in nature and has astounding properties. Scientists from the University of Würzburg discovered new molecular details of self-assembly of a spider silk fibre protein.

Wolfgang Kastenmüller

Wolfgang Kastenmüller studies the development of special immune cells that show promise in treating cancer. He has now been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant worth nearly two million euros for his research.
