ERC Consolidator Grant for Christina Felfe
Christina Felfe, Professor of Economics in Würzburg, has raised two million euros for her new project, which focuses on a socially relevant topic: dwindling social cohesion.
moreChristina Felfe, Professor of Economics in Würzburg, has raised two million euros for her new project, which focuses on a socially relevant topic: dwindling social cohesion.
moreFor the first time ever, expansion microscopy allows the imaging of even the finest details of cell membranes. This offers new insights into bacterial and viral infection processes.
moreA new web exhibition of the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat – Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter explores the mysteries of the quantum world.
moreInfections with two pathogens pose a serious threat in the clinics. Researchers from Würzburg and Jena have developed a technique that provides new insights into this process and can be used as an early warning system.
moreTheir work is most frequently cited in publications of other scientists. Five researchers from the University of Würzburg are therefore again included in the Highly Cited Researchers 2020 List.
moreGenetic influences play a key role in the development of dyslexia. An international team of scientists has now identified another gene that is involved in this process.
moreScientists at the University of Würzburg have switched off a sugar receptor gene of the honey bee using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing. Their study provides new insights into the taste perception of these insects.
moreThree experts for super-resolution microscopy jointly want to obtain better images of functioning and pathologically altered nerve cells. The European Research Council ERC is funding them with eleven million euros.
moreAmbrosia beetles are fascinating: they practice agriculture with fungi and they live in a highly developed social system. Biologist Peter Biedermann has now discovered new facts about them.
moreOn the track of evolution: a catalytically active RNA molecule that specifically attaches methyl groups to other RNAs – a research group from the University of Würzburg reports on this new discovery in "Nature".
moreThe most important pathogenicity factors of the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori are centrally regulated by a small RNA molecule, NikS. And this was not the only surprise that NikS provided.
moreThe carnivorous Venus flytrap snaps shut when a prey touches it twice within 30 seconds. In the journal Nature Plants researchers report on how this plant's short-term memory and counting system works.
moreMinor changes in immune cells can significantly affect the immune response, scientists of the University of Würzburg have now discovered. Their findings could be relevant for stem cell therapy.
moreSpecialized immune cells settle permanently in tissues of the body and build “local task forces”. Wuerzburger scientists have recently discovered, how these cells can regenerate themselves and can adapt to the new environment.
moreResearchers at the universities of Würzburg and Frankfurt have developed a new compound for treating cancer. It destroys a protein that triggers its development.