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Press Releases

Main building of the University of Würzburg.

The prestigious Shanghai Ranking counts the University of Würzburg among the top 250 universities in the world. In Germany, the University is on 11th place.

The cells in the top row were treated with the fluoxetine-like molecule AKS466 and then infected with SARS-CoV-2. The cells at the bottom were only infected; more viral RNA is detectable in them (lighter dots).

Completely unexpectedly, the enzyme ceramidase emerges as a new target structure for the therapy of SARS-CoV-2 infections. This is reported by Würzburg researchers in "Cells".

blueberries arranged on a table with daisies

Extracts from blueberries and blackcurrants prevent infection by measles and herpes viruses in cell cultures. Würzburg researchers were very surprised by this.

Tobias Brixner giving a lecture at the Nobel Symposium.

Tobias Brixner, Professor of Physical Chemistry and Physics, was invited to the Nobel Symposium for Chemistry in Sweden. He spoke there about his research on multidimensional optical spectroscopy.

Schematic of a quantum sensor in which a biomolecule (pink) is anchored to a surface of hexagonal boron nitride on which the spin defect (red) is located. The latter operates as a sensitive probe for the environment.

The Free State of Bavaria is funding a new research project on quantum sensors with three million euros. Among other things, it aims to further improve molecular and medical imaging.

The photoswitching rates of fluorescent dyes are as unique as a fingerprint and as readable as a barcode.

Researchers at the University of Würzburg develop the "photoswitching fingerprint analysis". A unique technology that for the first time allows the analysis of molecular processes and revolutionises biomedical research.

Smallpox viruses - here seen under the microscope - are among the deadliest pathogens in human history. Not quite as dangerous, but still worrying, is the current outbreak of monkeypox.

Poxviruses pose a threat to humanity that should be taken seriously, as the current outbreak of monkeypox shows. A research team from the University of Würzburg is now working on the development of new drugs.

On the left, a stained adenocarcinoma from the lung. The enlarged section B shows healthy lung tissue, the enlarged section C an adenocarcinoma. Section D shows the PET-CT of a metabolically active central lung tumour, close to the trachea, heart and oesophagus. The irradiation dose distribution is shown in colour: Desired dose 100% in the tumour and 80% in the extended tumour area. 25% and 10% of the irradiation dose (turquoise and blue lines) in the healthy tissue for technical reasons.

Some lung tumours do not respond to radiation therapy. This effect can be reversed by blocking an enzyme in the tumour cells, as Würzburg researchers report.

Jörg Vogel and Linda Popella are redsearching a new class of antibiotics.

Similar to the vaccines against the coronavirus, RNA-based antibiotics could significantly improve modern medicine. Research teams from Würzburg have investigated the prerequisites that such antibiotics must meet for this strategy to work.

Picture showing a server farm

The Faculty of Law at the University of Würzburg offers the new Master's program "Digitalization and Law". The courses are taught in English.

Alumna Hina Ghafoor lived and researched in Würzburg for almost six years. Refugees and their situation were a focus of her research.

After her time at the University of Würzburg, alumna Hina Ghafoor went back to Pakistan. There she is investigating cultural differences, for example in dealing with psychosocial stress.

The thymus, a small lymphatic organ, is located behind the breastbone. As we age, it shrinks considerably with the result that the immune defence becomes weaker.

In old age, the performance of the immune system decreases, and older people are more susceptible to infections. Research teams from Würzburg and Freiburg have now discovered an approach that could be used to slow down this process.

Organoid-based models: bladder organoids

The German government is providing about 2.4 million Euros for a new research group in infectious diseases at JMU Würzburg. Dr. Carmen Aguilar will use this grant to search for new therapeutic approaches against one of the most common and recurrent bacterial infections.
