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Outstanding rankings for JMU


In the life sciences, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg is among the world leaders in several subject areas. This is confirmed by the latest edition of the Shanghai Subject Rankings.

In the fields of Ecology and Medical Technology, the University of Würzburg is among the best 75 universities worldwide.
In the fields of Ecology and Medical Technology, the University of Würzburg is among the best 75 universities worldwide. (Image: NanoStockk /

In mid-August, the latest results of the "Academic Ranking of World Universities" (ARWU), better known as the "Shanghai Ranking", were published. Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) is ranked 228th worldwide and 11th in Germany in this year's ranking.

In addition to this ranking, which compares entire universities with each other, so-called "Subject Rankings" are published annually to draw attention to particularly strong research areas at universities. The number of publications in particularly renowned journals as well as their international visibility are key factors for the ranking. In other words, the journal in which a publication is published and how often it is cited are decisive factors. In addition, international collaborations and - in certain disciplines - scientific prizes are also taken into account.

Top ranking in Ecology and Medical Technology

In the edition of this now published ranking, JMU achieves an outstanding result in the field of Ecology, which also covers biodiversity research, and places itself among the best 75 universities worldwide. The same applies to the field of Medical Technology, which also includes the research areas of Neuroimaging, Nuclear Medicine and Radiology.

In Biomedical Engineering and Biofabrication, JMU is also among the world's top 100 ranked locations - as well as in the field of "Biological Sciences," which encompasses the full range of research at the Faculty of Biology.

JMU also places among the top 150 universities worldwide in Dentistry, the field of "Communication" (which refers primarily to research at the Institute Human-Computer-Media), and Psychology.

Excellent basis for Excellence Strategy Competition

In light of these results, University President Pauli believes JMU is on the right track: "Our research strength in various areas of the life sciences and their enormously high international visibility are an excellent basis for our participation in the imminent Excellence Strategy Competition."

Webpage of the Shanghai Subject Ranking

By Dr. Nicolas Giersig
