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JMU with best result to date in THE Ranking


In the Times Higher Education World University Ranking, the University of Würzburg rises to 139th place; it is now ranked 3rd in Bavaria. In the life sciences, it is among the best 100 universities worldwide.

In the new edition of the World University Rankings, JMU achieves its best ranking to date.
In the new edition of the World University Rankings, JMU achieves its best ranking to date. (Image: Daniel Peter)

The new edition of the THE World University Ranking 2023, which this year compares 1800 research-intensive universities from 104 countries, has just been published. Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) improved its ranking by 26 places compared to the previous year and achieved its best result to date with 139th place. It also climbs from 16th to 13th place in the Germany-wide comparison; in Bavaria, it ranks third behind the two Munich universities of excellence.

Strong in research, teaching and transfer, top in life sciences

Compared to other well-known rankings, the THE ranking uses a particularly wide range of indicators from the areas of teaching, research, transfer and internationality. The number of publications and citations in scientific journals, the university's worldwide reputation as a research and teaching institution, its success in obtaining research funding, the ratio of teaching staff to students, its international orientation and its cooperation with companies are all taken into account with varying degrees of weighting.

The strong performance in THE's ranking is based on the fact that JMU was able to clearly improve its result in almost all of the assessed dimensions compared to last year. Once again, JMU's exceptionally strong performance in the area of "citations" is striking, with JMU ranking 6th in Germany. Publications involving Würzburg researchers are thus extremely visible worldwide and very often find mention in other papers.

The life sciences at JMU have done particularly well, with Würzburg ranking 91st worldwide in this area, making it one of the top ten universities in Germany.

"Proof of JMU's quality in all its breadth"

President Paul Pauli is highly satisfied with the results and emphasizes: "The very good overall result and the clear upward trend in such diverse areas as research, teaching and transfer show that we are on the right track and have positioned ourselves very well for the upcoming Excellence Strategy Competition in Germany."

By Dr. Nicolas Giersig
