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Press Releases

The Twins of the first funding period with TWINSIGHT spokesperson Bastian Schilling and TWINSIGHT coordinator Susanne Nuber (from left): Valerie Glutsch, Lisa Rubenbauer, Janina Marißen, Bastian Schilling, Janik Fleißner, Patrick Schummer, Geraldine Engels, Susanne Nuber.

Making researching doctors familiar with the latest technologies in immunology: This is what happens in the TWINSIGHT college. The Else Kröner-Fresenius Stiftung is funding it for another three years.

Even if it doesn't look like it in this picture: Men and women react differently to anxiety-provoking situations.

Women and men react differently to stress and strain. These are the results of an investigation from the first year of the Corona pandemic carried out by a team from the University and the University Hospital Würzburg.

Sarah Redlich is investigating how climate change affects biodiversity in ecosystems and how these effects can be minimised.

The Biocenter of the University of Würzburg awards the Marcella Boveri Prize 2023 to ecologist Sarah Redlich, a researcher in Professor Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter's Chair of Zoology III.

Klaus Schilling with some of the small satellites developed by his team together with students.

One of the most important international space prizes is going to Würzburg: Professor Klaus Schilling will receive the Malina Medal 2023 for his outstanding achievements in space research and education.

The iMPI scanner (left) provides new insights into the human body. Here you can see a constriction in a blood vessel - recorded with conventional X-rays (b), with the scanner (c) and in a combination of both techniques (d).

Physicists at the University of Würzburg have succeeded in making a new imaging technique ready for use on humans. Radioactive markers and radiation are not necessary for this.

Social media content can have a major influence on what body shapes women describe as beautiful – in others and in themselves. This is shown by a study from Würzburg.

Social media play an important role in users' perception of the ideal body - often leading them in an unhealthy direction. Researchers at the University of Würzburg have investigated how this can be counteracted.

The poster for the Multispecies Conference shows the outlines of wood bees and a honey bee. Both species are being researched at the Chair in their relevance to cultural studies.

The Chair of European Ethnology of Professor Michaela Fenske invites you to an international conference on Environmental Humanities research at the beginning of August.

The figure shows the complex organization of dendritic cells in the lymph node. Blood vessels are shown in blue. The cells in green are young dendritic cells whereas the dendritic cells in red are a few days older and have already migrated. The dendritic cells in orange are intermediate in age.

There is news from the immune system: Dendritic cells migrate in a network along the outside of blood vessels. Local cytokines keep this dynamic network stable.

Every year, about 70,000 people in Germany suffer a so-called stroke recurrence - that is, a second stroke after a previous one.

In a large-scale study, research teams from the University of Würzburg and the Ludwigshafen Municipal Hospital have investigated whether risk of stroke recurrences can be reduced by a structured outpatient follow-up care program.

From meme culture to discussions about gender: the new YouTube channel "überalltag" looks at social phenomena from a cultural studies perspective.

From social media to the mobility revolution - a new YouTube site, in which the University of Würzburg is involved, presents cultural studies in a way that makes it interesting for young people.

Using X-rays (green in the picture), researchers have created 3D cinema-like effects on the kagome metal TbV6Sn6. This way, they have succeeded in tracking down the behaviour of electrons (blue and yellow in the picture) and have taken a step forward in the understanding of quantum materials.

An international team of scientists has succeeded in experimentally confirming a characteristic of topological materials. The Universities of Würzburg and the Dresden with their Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat were involved.

From left to right: Prof Josef Penninger (HZI), Prof Dirk Heinz (HZI), Dr Renke Deckarm (EU Commission), Christian Scherf (HZI, Background), Judith Pirscher (BMBF), Dr Markus Söder (Freistaat Bayern), Prof Jörg Vogel (HIRI), Dipl-Ing Rainer Post (doranth post architekten, Background), Prof Otmar D. Wiestler (Helmholtz Association), Christian Schuchardt (Würzburg), Roland Weigert (StMWi), Prof Matthias Frosch (JMU). © HIRI / Mario Schmitt

The Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research celebrated the laying of the foundation stone on the Medical Campus in Würzburg. More than 200 guests from science, business, politics and the media were present.
