Deutsch Intern
  • National flags of different countries

International Students (Study in Würzburg)

For general questions, please send an email to:

Gabriele Sibinger MA

Coordination International Students (Study in Wuerzburg) - on parental leave-
  • Head of department
  • Incoming exchange coordinator
  • Project "Internationalize 2.0"
  • Contact person for tutors

Vanessa Heid

  • Admission and consultation for international full degree students (Bachelor, Master, Stateexams, Promotion etc.)

Sarah Wirth

  • Zulassung und Beratung für Vollzeitstudium (Bachelor, Master, Staatsexamen, Promotion usw.)

Nicole Schmitt

  • Eramus Admission
  • Partner programs 
  • Confirmations for incoming erasmus students
  • Nomination of incoming students

Mo-Th: 08:00-12:00

[Translate to Englisch:]

Tania Mousikou

  • Incoming exchange students coordinator (During Parental leave of Gabriele Sibinger)
  • Contact person for Erasmus KA 171 Incoming Student Mobilities for Partnercountries (Bosnien-Herzegowina, Georgien, Indien, Israel, Nigeria, Palästinensiche Gebiete, Ukraine)
  • Coordinator for Digital Erasmus Learning Agreements (Erasmus-Incoming-Students)
[Translate to Englisch:]

Student assistant

Chrysoula Perathoraki

  • International tutoring
  • Information events

Niknaz Ghaemi

  • International tutoring
  • Information events