Deutsch Intern

PROMOS – Performance based Scholarship Programme - Funding Stays in Non-Erasmus Countries

Through the PROMOS program, study stays, final theses, and internships lasting up to six months in countries outside the Erasmus area can be funded with resources from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). All German and international students at the University of Würzburg who are enrolled in a bachelor's, state examination, or master's degree program at the time of application and during their study abroad period (except for short-term or exchange students) are eligible to apply. Funding to the home country is not possible for international students. Ongoing stays cannot be supported.

For two-semester stays, the DAAD awards annual scholarships for students and provides funding for specific internships through its portal. Students who have been accepted for a one-year study exchange at a partner university of the University of Würzburg should apply for the International University Fund.

It is a performance based scholarship, so very good and good performance is crucial for the evaluation and awarding of scholarships.

The following activities are eligible for funding under the PROMOS programme:

  • Study-abroad periods and thesis projects (1 to 6 months) in countries that are not Erasmus programme countries (doctoral theses ar not eligible)
  • Work placements (1 to 6 months) in countries that are not Erasmus programme countries
  • Subject-specific courses for doctoral students (subject course lump sum for a maximum of 6 weeks)
  • Group Field Trips and Travel to competitions (e.g. NMUN) - please email us at to enquire about the conditions that must be met

  • No funding for language courses, and other short term progams (except PhD specific courses).

Note for students in the teaching profession

Please contact the Professional School of Education (PSE) of the University of Würzburg.

They offer:
- support in the search for an internship
- (teaching) studies abroad
- foreign language assistant via the Pedagogical Exchange Service (PAD) or at German schools abroad etc.

Student teachers can also get information from the DAAD about the "Lehramt International" program.

Information on funding ERASMUS internships:



Stays abroad in countries outside the ERASMUS area (participating EU countries including EU overseas territories, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey) are eligible for funding.
Stays in Switzerland and Great Britain are eligible. An overview of the subsidy rates by country can be viewed here.

Group study and competition trips can be funded worldwide, but must be applied for by the group coordinator.

Funding through a PROMOS scholarship may only be granted if there is no  travel warning in place from the Federal Foreign Office for the country or region in question during the funding period. 
Students going abroad to regions with a critical security situation are requested to register on the website of the Federal Foreign Office ("Electronic registration of Germans abroad").




Students of JMU Würzburg who are enrolled as regular full‑time degree-seeking students at the time of application and during the full duration of their stay abroad are aligible to apply. International students can apply for funding in stays abroad other than in their home countries.

Doctoral students who participate in subject-specific courses (e.g. PhD summer schools, workshops) can apply for a PROMOS scholarship for a subject course lump sum. Unfortunately, all other measures are not applicable to this target group. Consultation for doctoral students is available with Dr. Schröder-Köhne, UWGS.

Stays in countries or regions with a travel warning issued by the German Federal Foreign Office are not eligible for funding. If a travel warning is issued during your stay, your funding may be stopped.

Students can receive funding under the PROMOS programme for multiple activities within one cycle of study (Bachelor, Master, Diplom, Magister, state examination), but the total funding period may not exceed 6 months per cycle.



1 - 30 November of the previous year: for stays starting between 1 January and 30 June

1 - 30 April of the same year: for stays starting between 1 July and 31 December

The application form will be active only during the application window. 

Please note that incomplete applications and late submissions of documents will not be accepted. 


Online application only via  Mobilitätsportal (no paper application accepted)

The following documents as pdf-files will be required for the application.

  • CV
  • Study/Work plan/Motivation letter (1-2 pages, German or English) including how the stay fits into your course of study
  • Reference letter of your supervisor
    Information regarding the reference letter
  • Transcript of records  WueStudy
  • Language Test Hinweise zu Sprachzeugnissen
  • Immatriculation sheet
  • Confirmation of acceptance of the host institution (JMU exchange programs: nomination letter issued by JMU) including the exact period of stay

Please note that we will not accept incomplete or late submissions of documents. Applications for stays that have already started are not accepted. 



Depending on the available budget and the overall application situation, partial scholarships are usually awarded for 1 and up to a maximum of 3 months; 
Travel expenses cannot be allocated at all or only to a very limited extent due to an insufficient budget. 
The duration and scope of the funding is therefore independent of the actual period of stay and the actual costs incurred as a result of a stay abroad. 
Thus, a stay must not be dependent on the approval of the PROMOS scholarship.

Travel expenses and accommodation allowances vary depending on the destination country. An overview of the country rates can be found here. Tuition fees cannot be covered.

BAföG recipients must notify their BAföG office that they have received the PROMOS grant. The scholarship amount may be deducted from your BAföG payments.



If PROMOS applicants also apply for other scholarships, they should indicate this in their application and promptly withdraw their PROMOS scholarship application if there is no possibility of combining the scholarships. Due to the very limited overall budget, applicants who have other scholarships will not be considered, or possibly only considered as a lower priority.

Combination with other scholarships

  •     DAAD individual grants and PROMOS grants may not be used at the same time.
  •     The Deutschlandstipendium and the PROMOS grants can be drawn at the same time without any restrictions.
  •     Double funding from German public funds is not permitted. If stays abroad are funded by German public funds, the purpose of the funding is decisive. This means that funding via PROMOS is not possible if the same purpose is already being pursued with German public funds.
  •     Scholarships from private funds can be obtained in addition to PROMOS scholarships without restrictions.
  •     Remunerated activities during the duration of the scholarship may only be carried out with the consent of the project sponsor.
The University of Würzburg points out that PROMOS funding must be reported to other scholarship providers.

Online application ONLY via  Mobilitätsportal (no paper application accepted)




Current proof of language skills serves to ensure quality in the selection process and a successful stay abroad. Successful applicants must demonstrate sufficient foreign language skills in the language of instruction or work in the form of a current language certificate. Unfortunately, applicants who do not meet this language hurdle cannot be considered further in the selection process. Late submitted language certificates will not be accepted.

What language? Language of instruction or local language?
The language of instruction/work is what is relevant. If you also have knowledge of the local language, that will be seen as an advantage. If the language of instruction/work is German, the local language is relevant.

Language certificates are valid for up to 24 months after issuance. Abitur/high school grades for foreign languages are not recognized as language proof.

You can find further information on the acquisition or recognition of a language certificate in the information sheet.

General information about language certificates (information sheet available in German only).

Only complete and timely applications will be considered in the selection process. Applications with missing or invalid document, e.g. language certificates will be excluded from the selection process.

Complete application documents will be evaluated using a point system while the following criteria will be taken into account:

  • Academic and language qualifications (transcript of records and reports)
  • Presentation of the motivation for the stay
  • linguistic proficiency
  • Relevance of stay abroad for studies
  • University and non-university engagement

The selection is based on the application documents. Applicants may be invited to selection interviews. The selection committee consists of representatives of the Service Center InterNational Transfer and the Vice President for Internationalisation.

Applicants classified as eligible for funding, but who have not received a nomination due to insufficient funding, are put on a waiting list. If additional funds are subsequently approved by the DAAD or if selected scholarship holders reject the scholarships awarded, then applicants from the waiting list can move up will be contacted by email.

Paid internships are given lower priority and are considered if sufficient funds are available.

Notification of the selection results will be send by email within 8 weeks after the application deadline.

Selected applicants will receive a binding PROMOS scholarship agreement via email, which must be signed and returned by email to in due time.

Please note that scholarship awards vary by country and assessment score. There is no entitlement to funding or full scholarships!


The University of Würzburg, together with the German Academic Exchange Service, aims to promote the international mobility of students who are fully enrolled in Germany. This is done by awarding PROMOS grants as part of a selection process, insofar as the funding requirements are met and subject to available funds.
There is no legal entitlement to a PROMOS scholarship even if all funding requirements are met. The selection is at the dutiful discretion of the University of Würzburg, taking into account the DAAD funding requirements. The social need of the applicant has no influence on the approval or the assessment of the grant. It is a performance based scholarship, so very good and good performance is crucial for the evaluation and awarding of scholarships.

Travel Warnings

Funding through a PROMOS scholarship may only be granted if there is no travel warning in place from the Federal Foreign Office for the country or region in question during the funding period. Students going abroad to regions with a critical security situation are requested to register on the website of the Federal Foreign Office ("Electronic registration of Germans abroad").

You can find general information on security precautions for trips abroad and stays abroad here.


Insurance coverage

It is the responsibility of the scholarship holder to ensure adequate insurance cover for the duration of the full stay abroad. Please consult your insurance provider or the DAAD group insurance provider.
It is advisable to take out supplementary international health insurance (including repatriation) and liability insurance that offers insurance cover in the respective host country.
It is important to note that neither the PROMOS scholarship from the DAAD nor the International Office of the University of Würzburg offers insurance coverage. All insurance services must be paid for by the scholarship holders themselves.

PROMOS info sessions