Nobel Laureates
Nobel Laureates of the University of Würzburg
A total of 14 Nobel Laureates have researched and taught at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
Nobel Prize for Physics 1901
Born on 27th March 1845 in Lennep (Remscheid)
Died on 10th February 1923 in Munich
Röntgen studied in Utrecht and Zurich
1869 Promotion in Zurich
1869-1872 Assistant of August Kundt at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
1875 Professor in Hohenheim
1876-1879 Professor in Strasbourg
1879-1888 Professor in Giessen
1888-1900 Professors at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg as the successor of Friedrich Kohlrauch
1900-1923 Professor in Munich
Röntgen was awarded the first Nobel Prize for Physics in 1901 for his discovery of x-rays in 1895 at the Institute of Physics of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.
He lived in the Institute of Physics (Röntgenring 8)
Emil Fischer
Nobel Prize for Chemistry 1902
Born on 9th October 1852 in Euskirchen
Died on 15th July 1919 in Berlin
Fischer studied in Bonn and Strasbourg
1874 Promotion in Strasbourg
1879-1881 Professor in Munich
1881-1885 Professor in Erlangen
1885-1892 Professor in Würzburg
1892-1919 Professor in Berlin
Fischer was a Professor at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg from 1885 to 1892, before he transferred to the Humboldt-University of Berlin, were he worked until his death in 1919. He received the Nobel Prize for his research on sugar and purines, which he also conducted during his time in Würzburg.
Fischer lived in the old Institute of Chemistry (Maxstr. 4)
Svante Arrhenius
Nobel Prize for Chemistry 1903
Born on 19th February 1859 near Uppsala (Sweden)
Died on 2nd December 1927 in Stockholm
Arrhenius studied in Uppsala and Stockholm
1895-1905 Professor in Stockholm
Arrhenius studied at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg in the winter semester 1886/87 under Prof. Kohlrausch, and enhanced his “Theory of dissociation”. There he also met Walther Nernst.
Arrhenius lived in Hauger Ring 15
Eduard Buchner
Nobel Prize for Chemistry 1907
Born on 20th May 1860 in Munich
Died on 13th August 1917 in Focșani, Romania
Buchner studied in Munich and Erlangen
1888 Promotion in Munich
1895 Professor in Kiel
1896-1898 Professor in Tübingen
1898-1909 Professor in Berlin (Agricultural University of Berlin, integrated to the Humbold-University of Berlin in 1934)
1909-1911 Professor in Breslau
1911-1917 Professor in Würzburg
Buchner lived in the Institute of Chemistry (Röntgenring 11)
Ferdinand Braun
Nobel Prize for Physics 1909
Born on 6th June 1850 in Fulda
Died on 20th April 1918 in the U.S.A.
Braun studied in Marburg and Berlin
1876-1880 Professor in Marburg
1880-1883 Professor in Strasburg
1883-1885 Professor in Karlsruhe
1885-1895 Professor in Tübingen
1895- Professor in Strasburg
From the summer semester 1872 to the summer semester 1874, Braun worked as the assistant of Professor Georg H. Quincke at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. As an assistant, he was the successor of Wilhelm Röntgen in the “physical cabinet” of the University.
Wilhelm Wien
Nobel Prize for Physics 1911
Born on 13th January 1864 in Fischhausen (East Prussia)
Died on 30th August 1928 in Munich.
Wien studied in Göttingen and Berlin
1886 Promotion in Berlin under Hermann von Helmholtz
1896-1899 Professor in Aachen
1899-1900 Professor in Göttingen
1900-1920 Professor in Würzburg as the successor of Wilhelm C. Röntgen
1920-1928 Professor in Munich
After Röntgen transferred to the LMU Munich, Wien became his successor as the director of the Institute of Physics at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg from 1900 to 1920. From 1916 to 1917, Wien worked together with Max von Laue (Nobel Prize for Physics 1914, Professor in Frankfurt, temporarily exempt to do research) at the Institute of Physics in Würzburg on the research of amplifier tubes.
Wien lived in the Institute of Physics (Röntgenring 8)
Johannes Stark
Nobel Prize for Physics 1919
Born on 15th April 1874 in Schickendorf (Bavaria)
Died on 21st January 1957
Stark studied in Munich
1897 Promotion in Munich
1906-1909 Associate Professor in Hanover
1909-1917 Professor in Aachen
1917-1920 Professor in Greifswald
1920-1922 Professor in Würzburg as the successor of Wilhelm Wien
Stark lived in the Institute of Physics (Röntgenring 8)
Walther Hermann Nernst
Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1920
Born on 25th June 1864 in Wąbrzeźno (West Prussia)
Died on 18th November 1941 in Berlin
Nernst studied in Zurich, Berlin, Graz and Würzburg
1887 Promotion in Würzburg under Prof. Kohlrausch
1894-1905 Professor in Göttingen
1905-1933 Professor in Berlin
Nernst lived in Pleichertorgasse 10 (today: Pleichertorstraße)
Karl Landsteiner
Nobel Prize for Medicine 1930
Born on 14th June 1868 in Vienna.
Died on 26. June 1943 in New York
Landsteiner studied in Vienna and researched at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg in summer semester 1892.
Landsteiner lived in Eichhorngasse 32 (today: Eichhornstraße)
Hans Spemann
Nobel Prize for Medicine 1935
Born on 27th June 1869 in Stuttgart
Died on 9th September 1941
Spemann studied in Heidelberg and Munich
1895 Promotion in Würzburg. He worked for Theodor Boveri, Julius Sachs and Wilhelm C. Röntgen
1904-1908 Associate Professor in Würzburg
1908-1914 Professor in Rostock
1919-1935 Professor in Freiburg im Breisgau
From 1894 to 1908, Spemann worked at the Institute for Zoology of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.
Spemann lived in the Pleicherglacisstr. 2 (today Bismarckstr.)
Klaus von Klitzing
Nobel Prize for Physics 1985
Born on the 28th June 1943 in Środa Wielkopolska (Poland)
von Klitzing studied in Braunschweig and Würzburg
1972 Promotion in Würzburg under Gottfried Landwehr
1978 Habilitation in Würzburg
1980-1984 Professor at the TU Munich
1985- Director at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart.
Klaus von Klitzing worked at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg from 1969 to 1980, where he also made the essential discovery, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1985.
Hartmut Michel
Nobel Prize for Chemistry 1988
Born on 18th July 1948 in Ludwigsburg
Michel studied in Tübingen and Munich
1977 Promotion in Würzburg
1975-1979 worked for Dieter Osterhelt at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.
Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1988 for his investigation of the photosynthetic reaction center in purple bacteria.