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Alumni Uni Würzburg - 1000 Careers One Story

Continuing Education “Sustainability” Part II

Workshop: Education for sustainable development –interdisciplinary approach in the LehrLernGarten Würzburg scaffolding teacher education.

Dr. Kerstin Bissinger – Educational Manager of the LehrLernGarten, Botanical Garden Würzburg

Education for sustainable development (ESD) is part of the global education agenda. ESD focusses on the promotion of knowledge, skills and values to address social, environmental and economic challenges of the 21st century. Within the botanical garden of the university Würzburg the LehrLernGarten Project (LLG) provides practical courses for student-teachers and teacher training for in-service teachers. Importantly, the LLG follows an interdisciplinary approach e.g. connecting biology with other science but also humanities disciplines. Presenting practical examples the workshop highlights didactical theory to implement ESD in formal and informal educational settings. In a cooperative manner the participants will draft own concepts for ESD lessons.