Das Content Team ist verantwortlich für Vorträge, Meetings und inhaltliche Bereicherung der Delegation. Dazu zählt neben der Organisation der WüMUN, die Organisation der Treffen in Berlin (enge Zusammenarbeit mit Orga-Germany), Kontakt zu Ministerien und Referenten, die uns bei unserer Vorbereitung unterstützen können.
Pia Lottermoser
Political and Social Studies, 5th Semester

Since I started at university, I’ve learned a lot about how politics are agreed upon, made and changed — but all of that was just theory. I also discovered my passion for international politics, including the UN. For me the UN can be one of the most powerful players when it comes to fight injustice and has the ability to improve the living conditions for so many people. So of course, I was very excited when I heard about NMUN because the opportunity to experience politics in the making, to learn even more about the UN and to work with other students from all around the world. This is a unique and fascinating possibility.
Getting the chance to participate in this project made me very happy and so far, I’ve already met many new and interesting people.
I can't wait for what's about to come!
Georg Martin
Geography, 5th Semester

The focus of my studies are the climate and the effects of climate change, especially in Africa. I joined the NMUN-project to gain insight into the work, the mechanisms and the limitations of the United Nations when it comes to the fight against climate change.