Position Paper International Atomic Energy Agency

Position Paper for International Atomic Energy Agency
When it comes to international affairs, a peaceful and global use of nuclear technologies is one of the most discussed political issues. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is trying to maximize the work of nuclear technologies for society on a multilateral level, as well as to verify its appropriate exploitation. The State of Qatar is glad to be involved in the committee work to ensure international security, and especially welcomes the choice of topics on this years conference: 2010 NPT Review Conference: Towards General and Complete Disarmament; Water and Nuclear Technologies; and Implementing Nuclear Energy Infrastructures without Weapon Production Threats.
I. 2010 NPT Review Conference: Towards General and Complete Disarmament
The NPT Review Conference 2005 was in the hands of the international community and failed. Now, five years later, in times of financial and climate crisis, the world has a second chance to renew and strengthen their Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The State of Qatar is deeply concerned about the outcome of this year’s NPT Review Conference. Qatar believes that the last chance to make a landmark decision towards general and complete disarmament will be this year‘s summit. Therefore, Qatar supports the effort of the members of the IAEA to achieve a long lasting solution concerning a nuclear weapon free world.
To ensure that the NPT Review Conference 2010 will be a success, the State of Qatar first of all refers to resolution S/RES/1540(2004) adopted by the Security Council to strengthen the already existing agreements on non-proliferation. According to this resolution, Qatar recommends to establish a nuclear weapon free zone in the area of the Middle East as proposed by Qatar’s former Foreign Minister Al-Hamadi in the Statement of Arab States at the First Preparatory Committee on the NPT Review Conference. Furthermore, Qatar welcomes the positive spirit demonstrated by the US-American Administration regarding the initiative of a world free from nuclear weapons. Frequent conferences hosted in Doha, for example the Arab Summit 2009, facilitated the working progress of the international community to work straight and effectively, as a lot of negotiations took place and opinions were gathered in advance. Qatar is delighted to contribute to the sincere dialogue and is willing to enlarge its efforts, for example with the Arab Summit 2011 in Doha.
The key target of the 2010 NPT Review Conference has to be transparency in all matters regarding nuclear technology, general and complete disarmament of nuclear weapons, free trade of nuclear material for peaceful purposes and training experts on supervising work involving nuclear technology. A further aspect of highest importance is that the conference should involve the debatable interpretation of the NPT by the Nuclear Weapon States. The State of Qatar feels that these States fail to live up to their responsibility as a NPT contracting party. Alarmed by the failure of the 2005 Conference, Qatar encourages the international community to use the 2010 NPT Review Conference effectively. The report of the International Atomic Energy Agency should be taken into account as a measure to shorten the path to a productive outcome during the conference.
II. Water and Nuclear Technologies
The State of Qatar, recognizing the vital importance of drinking water, is pleased to see that the international community chose to discuss “Water and Nuclear Technology” in the IAEA. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) claim the fight for available drinking water and insurance of environmental sustainability. Nuclear technology can help to achieve these MDGs when used properly. Qatar, as being a Member of the Group of 77 (G77) as well as of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), has no chance but to deal with the uprising water problems.
Concerned by the reports underlining the far reaching importance of drinking water supply for medical and civil use, (Catharina de Albuquerque A/HRC/12/24, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia E/ESCWA/SD/2008/4 and the United Nations Environmental Program UNEP/GC.25/9), Qatar has evolved a special focus on water related issues. Moreover, the study of the Division for Sustainable Development UN/DESA clarifies the threatening situation in Qatar and other GCC countries: deterioration of water quality due to saline water intrusion from the coast and upcoming of more saline water from the deeper aquifer. Qatar and the GCC countries are a paramount example, which can be conveyed for every part of the world.
It is indispensable that the report dealing with „Water and Nuclear Technology“ has to implement strategies, to not only save drinking water by using nuclear technology, but also to take account of measures to clean and desalinate polluted water. Furthermore, the report should consider that developing countries need special care and supervision when applying nuclear technology. Qatar supports the draft strategy and working plan for 2010 – 2012 of the International Water Assessment Center ECE/MP.WAT/2009/L.4 by the Economic and Social Council for Europe under the chair of Slovakia. Qatar calls all nations to combine their efforts for clean and far reaching water resources, as the earth is and should always be a blue planet.
III. Implementing Nuclear Energy Infrastructures without Weapon Production Threats
The State of Qatar is convinced that nuclear technology is an advanced possibility to tackle uprising problems, regarding for example energy, water or medicine. Furthermore, with the world exploiting their exhausting resources, nuclear technology appears as a long lasting solution, taking certain compulsory rules into consideration. It is the duty of the international community and the IAEA to work out more effective safeguards and to ensure that there will not be any weapon production threat. The state sovereignty and the progress in the development of safeguards form a stress ratio. Qatar is convinced to overcome this tense relationship by the power of science and trust.
As pointed out by the Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon in his report “The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East” A/64/124 (Part II) the safeguards by the IAEA are of utmost importance.The State of Qatar welcomes resolution A/RES/64/66 which confirms the General Assembly's affinity for the already existing safeguards. Nevertheless, the State of Qatar believes that the current mechanisms need to be updated. The fast developing world calls for more flexible and effective safeguards. In addition, it should be the work of the IAEA to establish and administrate any kinds of databases, dealing with the trade of nuclear technology and material to ascertain equal treatment of all nations in general questions. Independent and trained experts linked to no other institution than the IAEA should be the personal involved in the process. Education and training of experts are decisive steps in the process of implementing nuclear energy infrastructures without the threat of weapon production.
As a member of the National Committee on Prohibition of Weapons, Dr. Ahmed Hassan Al-Hamadi assured that “the State of Qatar hosts workshops and events geared towards enhancing the training and the involvement of technical experts in the enforcement of international instruments on the prohibition of weapons of all kinds.” These workshops are a combined effort of the State of Qatar and the United Nations Security Council. Qatar takes great efforts in promoting these workshops, as it is Qatar’s deepest belief that we, the international community, can not lower the weapon production threat by the sheer force of rules. Knowledge is a better and more persistent way to ensure a peaceful use of nuclear technology. Finally, Qatar stands up for the virtues of reliance and trust, one of the main principles of the United Nations.