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Anatomie der klassischen Symphonie


Am Mittwoch, 13. November, lädt das Siebold-Collegium – Institute for Advanced Studies der Universität zu einem Vortrag in englischer Sprache ein. Es geht um eine „Anatomy of the classical symphony“.

Prof. Dr. Horacio Vanegas (formerly Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research, IVIC) is a Neurobiology scientist. He holds a Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery, a Doctor of Philosophy from Yale University, and has been a full professor at the department of Biophysics and Biochemistry at the IVIC for several years.

His lecture: Anatomy of the classical symphony

Description, with audio examples, of the standard structural components of the four movements in symphonies, concerti, sonatas, trios, quartets etc. as established since Haydn, Mozart and other great composers.

Wednesday, 13.11.2019, 18:30 - 20:30 Uhr

Welzhaus, Klinikstraße 6, Hörsaal

Website Siebold-Collegium – Institute for Advanced Studies / SCIAS
