Deutsch Intern
Occupational Health and Safety, Animal Welfare and Environmental Protection

Work-Related Illnesses

A work-related illness is an ILLNESS

that is identified in the BERUFSKRANKHEITEN-VERORDNUNG (Directive on Work-Related Illnesses, BKV)

(illnesses that follow exposure to chemical or physical agents; respiratory or lung diseases; pleural and peritoneal diseases; skin diseases; illnesses caused by other factors),

is contracted by an INSURED INDIVIDUAL and

results from INSURED ACTIVITIES undertaken by that individual

(work-related activities including travel to and from work, official work-related travel and the storage, transportation, maintenance or replacement of work equipment engaged in in connection with an insured activity).

What criteria must be met for a medical condition to qualify as a work-related illness?

  • The condition must cause physical harm
  • The insured individual must have been exposed to health hazards (external factors) in the workplace (over a longer period of time) that are clearly above average.
  • Those external factors must have played a major part in causing the physical harm.



Notification form for suspected cases of work-related illness (to be completed by medical centre)

Notification form to be completed by the employer if there are signs that an employee may have a work-related illness


You still have questions? Feel free to contact the University's medical centre for employees.

Read more:

 Occupational noise-induced hearing loss (available in German only)