Als Delegation der Universität Würzburg vertreten wir diese auch nach außen. Um die Öffentlichkeit an den Herausforderungen und Erlebnissen des Model United Nations-Projekts teilhaben zu lassen, verwaltet das Presseteam sowohl die NMUN-Homepage und die gängigen Social Media Kanäle wie Facebook, Instagram und Twitter. Außerdem schreibt das Presseteam Artikel für unterschiedliche Medien, in denen selbstverständlich auch unsere Sponsoren erwähnt werden. Auch die vorliegende Pressemappe entstammt der Feder der Presseteams.
Ralph Kinzie
Political and Social Studies, 3rd Semester

By taking part in NMUN, I’d like to train soft skills like presenting and free speech along with Business and diplomatic English skills and work for my major, political and social studies. Representing different countries in the process of MUNing helps one to adapt to different perspectives of the same argument and therefore might prepare me for everyday life as well as for a potential job in my personal future.
Jessica Helen Laube
Semester Political and Social Studies, 3rd Semester

Handling global issues requires international cooperation and bonding. I therefore believe in the concept of the United Nations. The UN are a unique worldwide organization aiming for long lasting peace which cannot be taken for granted.
Our young generation should also feel addressed and speak up. For me forming part of the NMUN delegation means: getting together with interesting people, improving the ability to put myself into the position of others and to broaden my knowledge of international politics.
Lea Sabrautzky
Media Communications, 3rd Semester

NMUN offers the perfect opportunity to immerse ourselves in the world of international politics. Through participation in this project I want to make new contacts, gain experiences and extend my political knowledge. I’ am excited to research another perspective and learn to walk in someone else’s issues. All in all, I am confident that the numerous preparatory conferences and the closing ceremony in New York will be a memorable time for the entire delegation.