Anna Frieda Kammies

Organisation New York
6. Fachsemester, 8. Semester
English and American Studies, Philosophy and Religion BA
͚Can what we are doing here resemble a general strike or a revolution, with regard to models, structures but also modes of readability of political action?
͛-Jacques Derrida, Force of Law͟
The above quotation – relating to a theory/ mode of thinking called deconstruction which was coined by one of the most prominent of philosophers of the 20th century – epitomises my stance towards politics, and more specifically, ideology critique. As a humanities scholar, one of the questions I have frequently asked myself, is, too what extent theory is still necessary. And, more specifically, to what extent theoretical knowledge can be turned into praxis. I hope that being part of the ModelUN delegation will allow me to explore that question more deeply.
Wesley Raab

Organisation New York
3. Semester
Physics BA
I'm a person that believes life is all about learning new things and meeting new places and people and enjoying yourself. I seek new experiences and new people whenever I can and the NMUN project seems to offer just that. Other than that I want to leave this world a better place I found it to be and politics especially the UN are perfect tools to achieve those goals. I'm not saying our world is a bad place actually people always called me an "undiscerning optimist" and that's true, but you should always try to achieve the better or the perfect, even if you know that's impossible. This exact endeavour to be perfect or to find the perfect, to find happiness and joy is what motivates me to do things or to live after all. My friends always told me I was arguing too much, I quess that is a good thing concerning the NMUN project :D