Deutsch Intern
    Sonderforschungsbereich Transregio 34 (2006-2018)

    Istopomer Database

    Isotopomer Database

    This software research project is about to design and implement a new database management system for biological experimental isotopomers data.

    Figure: Entity Relationship Design (Sample)

    A new Database application capable of storing Mass Isotopomers Distribution Analysis (MIDA) related data in to the database, with both Desktop (client) and Web based user friendly graphical interfaces (soon will be available).

    The aim of this application is to collect, store and manage all MIDA related data into one platform.

    The data is maintained and stored in compatible formats to Isotopo and LS-MIDA software application. It is not only a new way of standardizing the Isotopomers data but will also help in maintaining Isotopomer data globally.

    Related Publication:

    • Ahmed Z., Saman Z., Huber C., Hensel M., Schomburg D., Münch R., Eylert E., Eisenreich W., Dandekar T. 'Isotopo' a Database Application for Facile Analysis and Management of Mass Isotopomer Data, Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation, Oxford University Press, 2014

    Contact Person:

    Dr. Zeeshan AHMED
    Scientific Software Engineer

    Prof. Thomas Dandekar Group;
    Funct. Genomics & Systems Biology.
    Department of Bioinformatics;
    Biocenter, University of Wuerzburg.
    Am Hubland 97074,
    Wuerzburg Germany.