Bavarian Research Funding
- Climate change in a landscape context: functional biodiversity, biotic ecosystem services and data synthesis
Prof. Dr. Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter – Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology
- Impacts of climate change on functional diversity, prioritization of conservation areas and decomposer communities
Prof. Dr. Jörg Müller – Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology
- Modeling Adjustment to new climatic conditions in a landscape context: Identifying risk zones and management options
PD Dr. Thomas Hovestadt – Theoretical Evolutionary Ecology Group
- Mapping of land use and ecosystem services using remote sensing
Prof. Dr. Stefan Dech and Prof. Dr. Tobias Ullmann – Institute of Geography and Geology
- Adaptation of Alpine Pollinators in Times of Global Change
Dr. Alice Claßen – Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology
- Climate change impacts on biological diversity in Bavaria: multidimensional integration for better biodiversity projections
Prof. Dr. Christian Hof – Department of Global Change Ecology
- Business and Human Rights: Governance Challenges in a Complex World
Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Kieninger – Chair of German and European Private Law and International Private Law and Prof. Dr. Isabel Feichtner – Professorship of Public Law and International Economic Law
- Philology
Prof. Dr. Martin Andreas Stadler – Chair of Egyptology
- RNAmed – Future Leaders in RNA-based Medicine
Prof. Dr. Jörg Vogel – Institute of Molecular Infection Biology
Information and Communication Technology Bavaria
- SDN-Perf – Leistungsbewertung der Interaktion zwischen SDN und Netzwerkmanagementsystemen
Dr. Thomas Zinner – Chair of Computer Science III
Lighthouse projects in the field of quantum sciences and quantum technologies
- IQ-Sense – Integrated Spin Systems for Quantum Sensors
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Dyakonov – Chair of Experimental Physics VI
SolTech – Solar Technologies Go Hybrid
- Center for Nanosystems Chemistry (CNC)
Prof. Dr. Frank Würthner – Chair of Organic Chemistry II