Deutsch Intern

Collaborative Research Projects: Timeline for Proposal Development

The JMU  Research Advancement Centre (RAC), the Servicezentrum Forschung und Technologietransfer (SFT)  and Department 3.4 - Research Funding Manamgement (FoMM) at the University Hospital have developed a set of guidelines for the development of proposals for collaborative research projects and a sample timeline.

That timeline is primarily intended to serve as a guide for researchers who are preparing proposals that are officially submitted by JMU or the University Hospital, such as proposals for one of the DFG’s coordinated programmes (CRC, CRC/TRR, RTG). It also gives you an idea of how much time you will typically need to allow for each stage.

When you write your proposal, please be sure to adhere to the funding body’s guidelines and instructions. Also, please get in touch with your contact persons at the RAC and the SFT or FoMM in a timely fashion. They will help you draw up a timeline for your particular proposal writing project.

Draft proposal

Start out by sketching out your idea together with your collaborators.

To dos:

  • Spokesperson(s): discuss strategy with RAC/SFT (JMU) or FoMM (University Hospital) (and the President, where necessary)
  • If the Faculty of Medicine is involved: present idea to Faculty Board
  • PIs: write up draft proposal that is in line with requirements of call text and adheres to funding body’s guidelines and instructions
  • RAC/SFT or FoMM: consult with Office of University’s Women’s Representative, Graduate Schools, JMU Research Academy, Unit A.1, etc. regarding draft texts dealing with cross-cutting issues

To dos - at least 6 weeks before the intended submission date:

  • RAC/SFT or FoMM (as well as the President, where necessary): read through full text and give feedback
  • RAC/SFT or FoMM: consult with Unit 3.4 Third-Party Funds and Donations or, resp., University Hospital regarding proposal budget and available resources
  • Obtain feedback from ‘friendly reviewers’ (where necessary)
  • PIs: make revisions to draft (where necessary)

To dos - at least 2 weeks before the intended submission date:

  • PIs and RAC/SFT or FoMM: make final revisions to proposal (where necessary)
  • Spokesperson: write cover letter (where necessary) in consultation with RAC/SFT or FoMM
  • Unit 3.4 or FoMM: submit draft proposal for signature to competent official after having obtained a co-signature from RAC/SF

Full proposal

If you have been asked to submit a full proposal or are planning to submit a renewal proposal, complete the following steps:

  • Discuss further steps with RAC/SFT or FoMM (and the President, where necessary) in the light of outcome of review of draft proposal
  • PIs: write up full proposal that is in line with requirements of call text and adheres to funding body’s guidelines and instructions

To dos - approximately 2 months before the intended submission date:

  • Spokesperson: consult with RAC/SFT (and Unit 3.4, where necessary) or FoMM regarding proposal budget
  • Spokesperson: consult with Dept. 4 or FoMM regarding proposed personnel arrangements (e.g. contract durations)
  • RAC/SFT or FoMM: harmonise texts dealing with cross-cutting issues
  • Obtain feedback from ‘friendly reviewers’ (where necessary)

To dos - at least 4 weeks before the intended printing date:

  • RAC/SFT or FoMM (and the President, where necessary): read through full text and give feedback
  • RAC/SFT or FoMM: consult with Unit 3.4 or, resp., University Hospital regarding proposal budget/available resources and proposed personnel arrangements (Dept. 4 or, resp., FoMM)
  • PIs: make revisions to draft (where necessary)

Have your final text ready by no later than two weeks before the intended printing date so that the following steps can be completed: 

  • PIs and RAC/SFT or FoMM: make final revisions to proposal (where necessary)
  • Obtain and submit to Unit 3.4 (JMU) spokesperson’s statement on available resources or obtain final approval of proposal budget from JMU/University Hospital
  • Spokesperson: write cover letter (where necessary) in consultation with RAC/SFT or FoMM
  • Unit 3.4 or FoMM: submit full proposal for signature to competent official after having obtained a co-signature from RAC/SFT

Conduct mock on-site review


Rebsubmitting rejecting proposals

The timeline provided below is for the preparation of draft proposals; if the resubmission rules applicable in your particular case allow that you directly resubmit a full proposal, please refer to our timeline for the preparation of full proposals and make sure your proposal adheres to the funding body’s guidelines and instructions.


You can start preparing the resubmission of a rejected proposal as soon as you have been notified of the rejection.

To dos:

  • Spokesperson(s): discuss strategy for resubmission with RAC/SFT or FoMM (and the President, where necessary) in the light of reasons given by funding body to justify the rejection and comments made by reviewers on original submission
  • If the Faculty of Medicine is involved: present proposal to Faculty Board

After that, complete the following steps:

  • PIs: make revisions to proposal addressing all issues raised by reviewers
  • Spokesperson: draft letter of response


Have your revised proposal ready by no later than 6 weeks before the intended submission date so that the following steps can be completed:

  • RAC/SFT or FoMM, President: read through full text, give feedback and address comments made by reviewers on original submission
  • RAC/SFT or FoMM: consult with Unit 3.4 or, resp., University Hospital regarding proposal budget and available resources
  • In consultation with RAC/SFT or FoMM, obtain feedback from friendly reviewers’ (recommended)
  • PIs: make revisions to proposal (where necessary)

Have a final version of your revised proposal ready by no later than 2 weeks before the intended submission date so that the following steps can be completed:

  • PIs and RAC/SFT or FoMM: make final revisions to proposal
  • Spokesperson: make revisions to cover letter in consultation with RAC/SFT or FoMM (where necessary)
  • Unit 3.4 or FoMM: submit proposal for signature to competent official after having obtained a co-signature from RAC/SFT