Institutions of the ZINF
The Research Center for Infectious Diseases (ZINF) is a MULTI-DISCIPLINARY NETWORK of researchers in Würzburg addressing molecular principles of host-pathogen interactions. It brings together experts from MICROBIOLOGY, PARASITOLOGY, VIROLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, and CLINICAL PRACTICE and facilitates cross-faculty communication, initiation of joint research activities, as well as recruitment of extramural funding.
Institut of Molecular Infection Biology

Jörg Vogel
Cynthia Sharma
Deep Sequencing Approaches to Pathogenesis
Joachim Morschhäuser
Knut Ohlsen
Gram-positive Cocci
Wilma Ziebuhr
Nosocomial Infections by Staphylococci
Sina Bartfeld (associated)
Host response to infections
Institute for Hygiene and Mikrobiologiy

Oliver Kurzai
Medical Microbiology and Mycology
Klaus Brehm
Helminth Infections
Franziska Faber
Microbial Interactions
Christoph Schoen
Molecular Diagnostics and Functional Genomics of Human Pathogenic Bacteria
Alexandra Schubert-Unkmeir
Host-Pathogen Interactions
Institut for Virology and Immunology - Virology

Lars Dölken
Systems Biology of Herpesvirus Infections
Florian Erhard
Computational Systems Virology
Bhupesh Prusty
Medical Microbiology and Mycology
Jürgen Schneider-Schaulies
Morbillivirus Pathogenesis
Dept. of Microbiology, Biocenter

Thomas Rudel
Infection Biology of Bacteria
Martin Fraunholz
Cellular Microbiology
Vera Kozjak-Pavlovic
Bacterial Invasion and Intracellular Survival
Alexander Westermann
Dept. of Internal Medicine II

Hermann Einsele -
Interaction of Aspergillus fumigatus with Human Natural Killer Cells and Dendritic Cells
Andreas Beilhack -
Experimental Stem Cell Transplantation
Jürgen Löffler -
Immunity against Aspergillus spp.
Institute of Systems Immunology

Wolfgang Kastenmüller
Lecocyte Dynamics
Georg Gasteiger
Tissue Immunity
Mercedes Gomez de Agüero
Host-Microbial Interactions
Martin Vaeth
Metabolism and Immune Cell Signalling
Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Biology

Lars Barquist
Integrative Informatics for Infection Biology
Chase Beisel
RNA Synthetic Biology
Neva Caliskan
Recoding Mechanisms in Infection
Mathias Munschauer
Decoding RNA-Protein Interactomes of Regulatory RNA in Infection
Antoine-Emmanuel Saliba
Single-cell Analysis
Redmond Smyth
Genome Architecture and Evolution of RNA Viruses
Thomas Dandekar
Markus Engstler
Molecular and Physical Parasitology
Caroline Kisker
RVZ - Structure-based Drug Design
Marco Metzger
Human 3D Tissue Models to Study Host-Pathogen Interactions in Infectious Research
Jürgen Seibel
Chemistry of Living Systems
August Stich
Tropical Medicine
Dorothee Viemann
Translational Pediatrics