Deutsch Intern
    Dr. Herbert Brause Medienkompetenzzentrum

    Dr. Thomas Möckel

    Phone:+49 931 - 31 88680
    Address:Dr. Herbert Brause Center for Media Literacy
    Am Hubland, room 208
    Office hours:by appointment (via E-mail!); also for academic counselling

    • Development and media (Descriptions of the research projects "School of tomorrow" - The use of iPads in different school types and A media sign literacy training program for kindergarten children)
    • Conception and implementation of training and educational software
    • Cognitive film psychology

    Articles and book chapters

    Möckel, T., Wannagat, W., Nieding, G., & Ohler, P. (2019) Entwicklungspsychologische Aspekte der Digitalisierung: Medienwirkung und Medienkompetenz im Kindes- und Jugendalter. In S. Rietmann, M. Sawatzki, & M. Berg (eds.) Beratung und Digitalisierung. Zwischen Euphorie und Praxis (pp. 57-83). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-25528-2.

    Diergarten, A. K., Möckel, T., Nieding, G., & Ohler, P. (2017). The impact of media literacy on children's learning with films and hypermedia. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 48, 33-41. doi:10.1016/j.appdev.2016.11.007.

    Nieding, G., Ohler, P., Diergarten, A. K., Möckel, T., Rey, G. D., & Schneider, W. (2017). The development of media sign literacy - a longitudinal study with 4-year-old children. Media Psychology, 20(3), 401-427. doi:10.1080/15213269.2016.1202773.

    Möckel, T. (2013). Die Entwicklung der medialen Zeichenkompetenz im Vor- und Grundschulalter und ihr Bezug zu bildungsrelevanten Fähigkeiten - Diagnose mittels computergestütztem Online-Test und empirische Befunde.

    Talks and posters

    Silbermann, P., Rumi, M., Möckel, T., Seger, B., Ohler, P. & Nieding, G. (2024, July). Assessing 1:1 iPad classroom integration: Introducing a novel automated method for objective usage data collection. In L. Gómez Chova, C. González Martínez & J. Lees (eds.) EDULEARN24 Proceedings (pp. 3201-3208). 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2024.0843.

    Möckel, T. (2017, May). Förderung von Medienkompetenz = Förderung von Schulerfolg. Talk at BLLV Workshop Medienpädagogik, Würzburg, Germany.

    Braun, C., Möckel, T., & Nieding, G. (2017, May). Förderung von Medienkompetenz = Förderung von Schulerfolg. Talk at Tagung Psychosozialer Wandel durch neue Medien, Würzburg, Germany.

    12/2013Doctorate as Dr. phil., TU Chemnitz (magna cum laude)
    since 07/2009Managing Director at the Dr. Herbert Brause Center for Media Literacy, University of Würzburg
    02/2009 - 06/2009Employee for project management in graphics and media production
    2008 - 2009Research associate at the TU Chemnitz in project management
    (focus: investigation of media usage and media impact processes in pre-primary and primary school children)
     Self-employment (planning and implementation of training courses in multimedia)
    2005 - 2007Research assistant at the chair of Media Use, TU Chemnitz
    2005Research assistant at the chair of E-Learning, TU Chemnitz
    2001 - 2008Studied Media Communication, TU Chemnitz
    Degree: Master of Arts
    2000Abitur (high shool diploma) at Johann-Gottfried-Herder-Gymnasium, Schneeberg