Deutsch Intern
  • [Translate to Englisch:] Neue Universität, Sanderring

Council of the Academic Staff and Doctoral Candidates of Julius-Maximilians-University

The delegates of the academic staff and doctoral candidates in boards and other committees form the Council of the Academic Staff and Doctoral Candidates in order to coordinate their work and to share information.

The council elect among their members a spokesperson and two deputy spokespersons for a period of two years.

Spokesperson of the council

apl.Prof. Dr. Volker Christian Behr

Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
Lehrstuhl für Experimentelle Physik V (Biophysik)
Volker Christian Behr

Deputy spokespersons of the council

Dr. Markus Hien

Philosophische Fakultät
Lehrstuhl für neuere deutsche Literatur- und Ideengeschichte
[Translate to Englisch:]

Dr. Kirsten Hilger

Humanwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Lehrstuhl für Psychologie I - Biologische Psychologie, Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
[Translate to Englisch:]

Group of Academic Staff and Doctoral Candidates

The group of academic staff and doctoral candidates comprises all persons whose work encompasses research and/or teaching and who are holding a regular employment contract with the university (including those funded by third parties) or who are public officials (Beamte) unless they belong to the group of professors. That includes postdocs, assistants, public officials on a regular career, or (senior) lecturers. Furthermore, all doctoral candidates are included in this group independed of an employment contract with the university.