Deutsch Intern
Examination Office

The Examination Office of the University of Würzburg

Welcome to the web pages of the Examination Office of Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.

We are your point of contact for all matters relating to examinations and assessment. We assist both students and staff, and our responsibilities include managing administrative processes in relation to examinations and assessments, recording grades, issuing certificates as well as accepting registrations of thesis topics and completed theses.

Please note:

The building at Josef-Martin-Weg 55 has no letterbox.

Our postal address is Sanderring 2, 97070 Würzburg.

Christian Burdack
Room:      03.029
Phone:     +49 931 31-83893
Fax:          +49 931 31-82102


Thomas Schell
Room:     02.009
Phone:     +49 931 31-83430
Fax:          +49 931 31-82102


Helmut Schwenkert

Central functions and IT services
Room: 03.030

Stefan Rebstöck

Head of Section
Section 1: medicine and dentistry
Room: 02.005

Sabine Gutleber

Section 1: medicine and dentistry
Room: 02.005

Tobias Keim

Section 1: medicine and dentistry
Room: 02.004

Annika Hantke

Head of Section
Section 2: teaching degrees for Gymnasium schools
Room: 03.007

Michael Lutz

Section 2: modularised teaching degree programmes
Room: 03.002

Linda Gregg

Section 2: modularised teaching degree programmes
Room: 03.011

Johanna Günther

Section 2: teaching degrees for Grundschule and Realschule schools
Room: 03.012

Karen Buchholz-Bruns

Section 2: teaching degrees for Grundschule and Realschule schools
Room: 03.012

Lisa Kuchenmeister

Section 2: teaching degrees for Gymnasium schools
Room: 03.007

Christine Zimmer

Section 2: teaching degrees for Mittelschule schools/special education
Room: 03.004

Daria Bigler

Section 2: teaching degrees for Gymnasium schools
Room: 03.007

Eckhard Thill

Head of Section
Section 3: natural sciences
Room: 03.013

Verena Berke

Section 3: natural sciences
Room: 03.014

Sylvia Feineis

Section 3: natural sciences
Room: 03.014

Simone Fischer

Section 3: natural sciences
Room: 03.016

Sven Preißinger

Section 3: natural sciences
Room: 03.014

Thomas Schell

Head of Section
Section 4: Catholic theology, law, business management and economics
Room: 02.009

Gertrud Beuerlein

Section 4: Catholic theology, law, business management and economics
Room: 02.001

Mechthild Hellmuth

Section 4: Catholic theology, law, business management and economics
Room: 02.001

Hanna Endres-Lang

Section 4: Catholic theology, law, business management and economics
Room: 02.001

Stephanie Lutz

Section 4: Catholic theology, law, business management and economics
Room: 02.010

Frank Schindler

Section 4: Catholic theology, law, business management and economics
Room: 02.010

Anett Herold

Section 4: Catholic theology, law, business management and economics
Room: 02.002

Monika Schmitt

Section 4: Catholic theology, law, business management and economics
Room: 02.002

Stefan Schön

Head of Section
Section 5: degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Human Sciences
Room: 01.005

Christina Meister

Section 5: degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Human Sciences
Room: 01.007

Elke Hufschmidt

Section 5: degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Human Sciences
Room: 01.007

Danijela Sturm-Kirchgassner

Section 5: degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Human Sciences
Room: 01.003

Maria-Sofia Freitag

Section 5: degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Human Sciences
Room: 01.007

Petra Eder

Section 5: degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Arts
Room: 01.001

Barbara Konrad

Section 5: degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Arts
Room: 01.012

Karin Elflein

Section 5: degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Arts
Room: 01.012