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University of Würzburg


Bachelor's degree programmes (B. Sc. and B. A.)

Bachelor's degree programmes are undergraduate degree programmes. Therefore, students don't need to have attended university courses prior to enrolling in a Bachelor's programme. Bachelor's degree programmes always start in the winter semester. Some programmes also allow first-semester students to enrol in the summer semester. Depending on the field of study, students earn either a Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) or a Bachelor of Arts (B. A.). Usually, students need to earn at least 180 ECTS credits to graduate.

Bachelor's degree programmes consist of a number of modules and mostly have an official length of six semesters.

For successful participation in courses, students are awarded credit points as regulated by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One ECTS credit corresponds to approximately 30 hours of student work. Consequently, students should expect approximately 150 hours of work in a course where they can earn 5 ECTS credits, with part of the work being done during classes and another part being done individually in the form of class preparation and review. The amount of ECTS credits awarded for each course is stated in the programme regulations. Students are awarded ECTS credits if they attend the course regularly and successfully, with oral or written partial examinations serving as a measure of success. Furthermore, students may be required to submit written assignments or research papers. The total number of ECTS credits earned in courses and the corresponding partial examinations determines when the student is awarded the degree. In most Bachelor's degree programmes, the programme regulations state that students are awarded the degree once they have earned 180 ECTS credits. The student's degree grade is calculated from the module grades following a specific formula.

The  list of subjects  contains all available degree programmes in all available specialisations. This table also provides an overview of all subjects and their available specialisations and combinations.

Combination rules

Students can choose between three types of specialisation models: Studying one subject (180 ECTS credits), studying a main subject (120 ECTS credits) and a subsidiary subject (60 ECTS credits), or studying two main subjects (85 ECTS credits each and 10 ECTS credits earned in interdisciplinary courses). Usually, all subjects can be combined as long as the same specialisation model is avaible for each subject chosen. However, there are a number of exceptions:

  1. Subjects cannot be combined with themselves.
  2. The subsidiary subjects Altorientalistik (Assyriology), Klassische Archäologie (classical archaeology) and Vergleichende Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft (comparative Indo-European linguistics) cannot be combined with the main subject Alte Welt (Old World studies). Students who want to combine one of these subjects with the main subject Alte Welt should choose the subsidiary subjects Altorientalistik (Alte Welt), Klassische Archäologie (Alte Welt) or Vergleichende Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft (Alte Welt), which have been created specifically for the combination with the main subject Alte Welt and can only be studied in this combination.
  3. The subsidiary subject Alte Welt cannot be combined with the main subjects Vor- und frühgeschichtliche Archäologie (prehistoric archaeology) and Klassische Archäologie (classic archaeology).
  4. The subsidiary subjects Indologie (Indology) and Modernes Südasien (modern Southeast Asian studies) cannot be combined with the main subject Indologie/Südasienkunde (Indology/South Asian studies).
  5. The subsidiary subject Historische Hilfswissenschaften (auxiliary sciences of history) cannot be combined with the main subject Geschichte (history).
  6. Philosophie and Religion (philosophy and religious studies) (main and subsidiary subjects) cannot be combined with Philosophie (philosophy) (main and subsidiary subject).
  7. The subsidiary subject Geographie (geography) cannot be combined with the main subjects Geographie mit Schwerpunkt Humangeographie (geography with the specialisation human geography) or with Geographie mit dem Schwerpunkt Physische Geographie (geography with the specialisation physical geography).
  8. It is possible but not recommended to study two Romance languages combined as two main subjects (75/75 ECTS credits). Students who want to combine two Romance languages should choose either the degree programme Romanistik (Französisch/Italienisch) (Romance studies: French/Italian), Romanistik (Französisch/Spanisch) (Romance studies: French, Spanish), or Romanistik (Italienisch/Spanisch) (Romance studies: Italian/Spanish) with 180 ECTS credits.

Follow this link for a table of all possible combinations.