Deutsch Intern

Visit from Bergen


A University of Bergen (Norway) delegation spent two days at the University of Würzburg. Here they explored the potential for cooperation in research and teaching.

The Würzburg University Board welcomed the guests from the University of Bergen. (Image: Robert Emmerich / Universität Würzburg)

"During the visit of our colleagues from Bergen, many points of contact for cooperation were identified," says Doris Fischer, Vice President for International Affairs and Alumni at Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) Würzburg. "It was nice to see how quickly the conversations turned into a lively, substantive exchange."

What is very pleasing is that the members of the delegation have agreed to promote study visits to Würzburg among the Bergen students. They reported that the Norwegian students had concerns about the language, but that these concerns were unfounded with regard to JMU – in Würzburg there is an appealing range of courses in English and a great willingness to react flexibly to the needs of foreign students.

"This assessment by our colleagues in Bergen shows that our faculties' approaches to increasing the internationalisation of teaching by offering more courses in English are bearing fruit," Doris Fischer is pleased to say.

Partner in the CHARM-EU Alliance

The JMU University Board welcomed the representatives of the University of Bergen on the morning of 16 October 2023 in the Senate Hall at Sanderring.

The delegation consisted of the entire Bergen University Board as well as deans. The guests had travelled to get to know JMU's research profile better on-site and to establish personal contacts. They held talks in the faculties and were given a guided tour of the Martin von Wagner Museum. The China Competence Centre, WueLAB, the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (CAIDAS), and the Centre for Philology and Digital Studies were also presented to them.

Facts about the University of Bergen

The University of Bergen, like JMU, is a member of the European university alliance CHARM-EU. It has seven faculties and 20,000 students; its focus is on marine research, climate change and energy transition, and global challenges. The city of Bergen has around 290,000 inhabitants and is located on Norway's west coast.

Website of the University of Bergen:

By Robert Emmerich
