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Top Grades in THE Europe Teaching Rankings


The Times Higher Education Rankings consistently bases its assessment on the quality of teaching and the study environment on the opinion of students. The University of Würzburg is ranked in the top 10 in Germany.

Students on the Würzburg campus.
The students are very satisfied with the University of Würzburg - this is a result of the THE Europe Teaching Rankings 2019. (Image: Daniel Peter)

A total of 125,000 students from 258 universities in 18 European countries evaluated their university's studies, teaching and campus life on a scale of 0 to 10 in a survey conducted by the organisation Times Higher Education (THE).

Tenth place in Germany-wide comparison

Their vote, combined with other factors such as the academic performance of the respective university, has been ranked in the "THE Europe Teaching Rankings 2019". Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) Würzburg in Bavaria made it into the top 125 universities in Europe and ranks tenth among the 20 listed German universities.

High satisfaction ratings for JMU

The survey clearly shows the satisfaction of the students with their decision for Würzburg as a place of study. Significantly more often than other European students, the Würzburg students would recommend JMU for study even among friends and family.

The outstanding grades for study and teaching at JMU are due not least to the highly rated quality of the teaching and learning environment. This assessment is made up of facts such as the proportion of international students, student mobility and students' feedback on their subjective well-being at their university.

“Great praise for the university teaching”

JMU President Alfred Forchel is pleased with the top result: "The ranking is a great praise for the university teaching at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. It clearly shows that we are not only excellent at training for research. Teaching and research are lived at JMU with equally high standards. I can't think of better evidence than the positive feedback from our students."


THE Europe Teaching Rankings 2019

By Rebekka Steinmann
