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Audit "Shaping Diversity" Successfully Completed


The University of Würzburg has been awarded the "Shaping Diversity" certificate for its diversity concept. The next step is to set up a diversity management system.

JMU representatives Dr Isabel Fraas (centre) and Elisabeth McCormack (left) were presented with the "Shaping Diversity" certificate by Andrea Frank, Deputy Secretary General of the Stifterverband. (Image: Peter Himsel/ Stifterverband)

In February 2022, Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) Würzburg took part in the "Shaping Diversity" audit organised by the Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft. Since then, it has undergone an internal process of strategic alignment and work on a diversity concept for two years. The concept has been in force since July 2023; its most important goal is to establish and expand centralised diversity management at JMU.

The initial audit is now complete: On 6 March 2024, the "Shaping Diversity" certificate was ceremoniously presented at the Allianzforum at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin. Dr Isabel Fraas and Elisabeth McCormack from the Coordination Office for Diversity attended on behalf of JMU.

The two JMU representatives presented the university's diversity strategy and answered questions from the "Critical Friends", a panel of experts appointed by the Stifterverband. In the end, JMU's goals and measures were convincing; the "Shaping Diversity" certificate will now remain valid for three years. After this period, JMU is planning a re-audit and renewed participation in the reflection process.

Certificate Presented to the University Community

The promotion of diversity and the reduction of exclusion mechanisms at JMU were also a topic at a meeting of the university management with the deans. On 8 and 9 March 2024, Anja Schlömerkemper, JMU Vice President for Equal Opportunities, Career Planning and Sustainability, presented the certificate to the university community. She once again presented JMU's most important goals in the audit process. Together with all stakeholders at JMU, the diversity strategy will now be implemented in the coming years.

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By Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Uni Würzburg
