Deutsch Intern
Career Centre

Perspectives for Humanities

Humanities scholars report on their own careers and exciting professional perspectives. The lectures take place on Thursdays from 12:15 to 13:45 in hybrid.

Interested parties who cannot register via WueStudy will receive the access link by email. Please send us a short email for this purpose to

Register here on WUESTUDY!


19. October: From 12 Uhr s.t.: Einführung durch das Career Centre (Introduction by the Career Centre)

                        Im Anschluss: Quo Vadis, KI? (Followed by: Quo Vadis, AI?) | Dr. Christina Kreibich | DC-LT/Communication |

                        Bosch Rexroth AG

26. October: Kind, warum hast du nichts Gescheites studiert. (Child, why didn't you study anything clever?) | Anja Barchmann | Brose Würzburg

2. November: Matthias Mafenbeier | Contact & Cooperation e.V. - Die studentische Unternehmensberatung in Würzburg

9. November: Dein Einstieg in die Medien- und Kommunikationsbranche - Bewerbungs-Skills und Berufsbilder (Your entry into the media and communications industry - application skills and job profiles) | Gerhard Zall, Teamlead People & Culture | Dr. Gunther Schunk, Director Public Relations | Vogel Communications Group

23. November: Mit Diversität und Interkulturellen Kompetenzen gegen den Fachkräftemangel – Gründen in den Geisteswissenschaften (Using diversity and intercultural skills to combat the shortage of skilled workers - Starting a business in the humanities) | Catharina Crasser & Dr. Julien Bobineau | D2 – Denkfabrik Diversität

7. December: Meetingraum statt Klassenzimmer - vom (angehenden) Lehrer zum Personaler (Meeting room instead of classroom - from (prospective) teacher to human resources manager )  | Andreas Pohlmann | HRL13-Lo Bosch Rexroth AG

14. December: Wandel durch Austausch: Tätigkeitsfelder beim DAAD (Change through Exchange: Fields of Activity at the DAAD) | Tabea Kaiser |Leiterin der Geschäftsstelle Deutsche Wissenschafts- und Innovationshäuser (DWIH) - K01 DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

11. January: Vom Quereinsteiger zum Product Owner im eCommerce - Mit den richtigen Soft-Skills digitale Projekte leiten (From career changer to product owner in eCommerce - Managing digital projects with the right soft skills)  | Claudia Wirth | ZF Friedrichshafen

18. January: Bücher, Bytes und Bibliotheken - bibliothekarische Berufsfelder für Geisteswissenschaftler:innen im 21. Jhd. (Books, Bytes and Libraries - Library Careers for Humanities Graduates in the 21st Century) | Maximilian Stintzing, M.A. | Digitalisierungszentrum Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg

25. January: Vom digitalen Neuland Schule in die Medienpädagogik - eine etwas andere Zeitreise (From the digital uncharted territory of school to media education - a somewhat different journey through time ) | Dr. Gabriela Ripka | Lehrstuhl für Schulpädagogik Universität Würzburg


Acquisition of 2 ECTS points in the ASQ pool possible.

If you do not need any points, but would like to attend individual lectures, no registration via WueStudy is necessary, but nevertheless a short notification because of the access data by mail is necessary.  (

This semester, we are cooperating with the Institute for History in the lecture series *Perspectives for Humanities Graduates*. In the lecture accompanying the practical module in history, interesting occupational fields for humanities graduates will also be presented. If you have any questions about these lectures, please contact Dr. Christoph Haar, who will be chairing the event:

Requests for further lecture topics and requests for cooperation for the coming semesters can be sent to Dr. Annette Retsch at any time:, 0931/31-82420

Past Events