Deutsch Intern
Career Centre

Advisory service

Questions about application documents

If you want to apply for an internship or a job in Germany and have questions about your cover letter and CV, we are happy to help you prepare and optimise your application documents.

All you need to do is make an  appointment for an application portfolio check. We can advise you in English or German.
Ideally, you should bring a first draft of your application with you. If you need some initial help with this, you can find useful information and preparation tips in our online application preparation materials.

Questions about the rest of the application process

Do you want to know more about the application process in Germany, prepare for an interview or find out more about career opportunities? We recommend that you book an  individual career counselling session so that we can focus on your personal needs.

Questions about career decisions

Counselling is also very helpful if you are at the beginning of your career, want to (re-)orientate yourself or need to make an important career-related decision. Talking to a Career Centre counsellor can help you identify your personal strengths and interests, which will help you make your own decisions. Click here for more information on how to make an appointment for a personalised career counselling session.