Deutsch Intern
Career Centre

For employers

Information for employers

Do you have a topic that you would like to present to our students in the form of a lecture or workshop? If it fits our portfolio, we will be happy to include your offer in our regular semester programme.

Procedure and possible contents

We advertise the offer within the framework of our semester programme via our website, print brochure, Facebook, etc. Students register in the regular way via the online course catalogue. If the number of registrations is higher than the number of places available, we draw lots.

In principle, everything is possible in terms of content that helps our students to orient themselves professionally, to successfully master their career entry or to develop key competences relevant to their profession. Target group-specific offers, e.g. within the framework of the lecture series for humanities students, are also possible. We will work with you to find a suitable setting and time in the semester.

If you are interested, please contact our team directly by phone or email:

Career Centre Team | Tel. 0931/31-83051 |

The Deutschlandstipendium of the University of Würzburg offers you the opportunity to establish personal contact with the best students of our ten faculties and to inspire potential young talent for your company at an early stage.

You invest in outstanding young people with great potential who, in addition to their studies, are also socially, ecclesiastically or politically committed. In this way, you also indirectly make a valuable contribution to our society.

Become a partner of a research-strong, well-connected and internationally renowned university. Open up new strategic opportunities. Future orientation and expansion are part of our programme.

Further information

The contact for companies is the University of Würzburg GmbH for Education and Campus Services with its Managing Director Dr Thorsten Stegh | Tel. 0931/31-88720 |


The University of Würzburg is a comprehensive university with currently 337 degree programmes, so we can offer you graduates from all disciplines. There is sure to be the right focus for your companies as well. Under the following link you will find the complete range of courses offered by the University of Würzburg with all subjects:

Numbers and facts

The University of Würzburg currently has about 29.000 students in 10 faculties with over 4,200 employees. Almost 2,500 academics teach in the faculties, including more than 420 professors in over 220 chairs. Every year, more than 3,500 graduates leave the university with a Bachelor's, Master's, state examination or doctorate degree.