Deutsch Intern
Career Centre

Region Mainfranken

In 2011 seven counties, the cities Würzburg and Schweinfurt and the Chambers of Commerce and Craft joined forces in the founding of a regional development and location marketing agency, Region Mainfranken GmbH. In a common effort to strengthen the regional economy and to help secure funding in dealing with future economical challenges and demographic changes a strategy plan was signed by the shareholders in 2014. The project orientated activities contribute to the branding and marketing of the region.

Regional employers

Mainfranken has more than 72,000 employers. It is one of the top ten locations for high tech in Europe and global players like Bosch-Rexroth and Brose call this region home. Fashion brands like s.Oliver, Drykorn and René Lézard are headquartered here and the area is also a mecca for scientists because of all its research facilities. This means that as long as you have qualifications and are motivated to work, you will have not just employment, you can have a great career here.

Career tour

The agency Region Mainfranken organises regularly career tours which offer students the chance to get in touch with regional employers:

Text and photo: Region Mainfranken GmbH