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International Leadership: Leading diverse teams in scientific institutions

Research Academy
Date: 03/04/2024, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Category: Workshop
Location: Online via Zoom
Organizer: Research Academy
Speaker: Maria Prahl

Vom 04.03.2024 bis zum 25.03.2024 findet die Workshopreihe "International Leadership: Leading diverse teams in scientific institutions" von der Research Academy statt. Die Workshops werden auf Englisch gehalten.

Leading international/diverse teams in scientific environments deals with many diversity dimensions. The needs of people with different educational backgrounds and faculties, levels of experiences, working styles and cultural backgrounds should be reconciled in order to work together successfully. This online-workshop aims to explore how to lead international/diverse teams into a culture of constructive, appreciative and cooperating teamwork.

Course Content:

This interactive workshop will deal with:

  • Perceptions, values and attitudes in diverse teams
  • Diversity dimensions and how they are connected to the challenges in science
  • Diverse understandings of leadership
  • Basics of conflict management
  • Team development and team dynamics
  • Transfer into your daily scientific work


After this workshop, you will be able…

  • …to reflect on own challenging situations.
  • …to understand, reflect and create your personal role of leadership.
  • …to build strategies to cope with uncertainty and ambiguity in teams
  • …to develop diversity embracing leadership approaches.
  • …to understand team dynamics in diverse teams.
  • …to establish an own diversity sensitive team culture.

Leadership Certificate

This event can be credited with 16 units for the JMU Leadership Certificate.

Receive more information about the JMU Leadership Certificate 


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Session 2: International Leadership, March 11 2024, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 3: International Leadership, March 18 2024, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 4: International Leadership, March 25 2024, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
