English Intern
Rudolf-Virchow-Zentrum - Center for Integrative and Translational Bioimaging

Image-based modeling

In tumor therapy anti-angiogenic approaches have the potential to increase the efficacy of a wide variety of subsequently or co-administered agents, possibly by improving or normalizing the defective tumor vasculature. We have pinpointed key correlations between vessel length, straightness and diameter to describe the regular, functional and organized structure observed under physiological conditions. We found that vascular networks from experimental tumors diverted from those in healthy organs, demonstrating the dysfunctionality of the tumor vasculature not only on the level of the individual vessel but also in terms of inadequate organization into larger structures. These parameters proofed effective in scoring the degree of disorganization in different tumor entities, and more importantly in grading a potential reversal under treatment with therapeutic agents.



Image-based modeling of vascular organization to evaluate anti-angiogenic therapy. Ascheid D, Baumann M, Funke C, Volz J, Pinnecker J, Friedrich M, Höhn M, Nandigama R, Ergün S, Nieswandt B, Heinze KG*, Henke E*. Biol Direct. 2023 Mar 15;18(1):10. doi: 10.1186/s13062-023-00365-x. *corresponding author

Further reading on imaged-based modelling:

Megakaryocyte volume modulates bone marrow niche properties and cell migration dynamics. Gorelashvili MG, Angay O, Hemmen K, Klaus V, Stegner D*, Heinze KG*.  Haematologica. 2020 Apr;105(4):895-904. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2018.202010. Epub 2019 Jun 27.PMID: 31248970, *corresponding author

Thrombopoiesis is spatially regulated by the bone marrow vasculature. Stegner D, vanEeuwijk JMM, Angay O, Gorelashvili MG, Semeniak D, Pinnecker J, Schmithausen P, Meyer I, Friedrich M, Dütting S, Brede C, Beilhack A, Schulze H, Nieswandt B, Heinze KG. Nat Commun. 2017 Jul 25;8(1):127. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00201-7.