Deutsch Intern
Career Centre

Lecture series: Perspectives for Humanities

Humanities students talk about their own careers and exciting career prospects. The lectures take place online on Thursdays from 18:15 to 19:45 and are held in german. It is also possible to attend individual lectures.

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As a result of increasing globalisation and digitalisation, the labour market is not only subject to ever faster change, but also to multiple and unpredictable crises.
Interdisciplinary and transversal skills are becoming increasingly important in the labour market. For this reason, the Career Centre is particularly keen to use this series of events not only to present future-proof and interesting professional fields and career paths, but also to show which programmes students can and should use to develop their skills in relation to the various professional fields.
In this context, various certificate programmes will be presented at the event:

International exchanges and stays abroad offer incredible added value, both in terms of professional and personal development! The DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), the world's largest funding organisation for the international exchange of students and academics, therefore promotes these experiences through scholarships, the networking of universities across countries and the expansion of efficient universities in developing countries. This presentation will focus on the opportunities offered by stays abroad (especially for students in the humanities). In addition, Tabea Kaiser, head of the "International Research Marketing, DWIH Office" department, will present the DAAD as a potential employer with a varied field of work for humanities scholars and will share her experiences from her own career.

The speaker, Tabea Kaiser, herself studied in the USA and at the University of Bonn and has now been working for the DAAD in various positions for almost 20 years.


  • Company introduction
  • Programme presentation
  • Field report of an Ambassador (student)
  • Advantages of a stay abroad
  • Career opportunities at EF

The BKA, the Federal Criminal Police Office, brings together over 70 different professions to fight crime in Germany at a national level. They investigate crimes, prevent criminal offences and ensure security in the country.

In this field, humanities graduates with their skills and knowledge background are also in demand. In her lecture, Dr Basel, who herself studied political science, will provide information about the diversity within the Federal Criminal Police Office and the various entry options. These include the possibility of following up a bachelor's degree with a dual training course to become a criminal police officer or a master's degree to become a criminal police counsellor. There are also many other options for career changers, depending on your previous training and, of course, your personal interests and skills.

You can find more information on the BKA website:

Climate protection is tangible and concrete at the local scale. At the local level, the consequences of advancing climate change are already clearly perceptible.
The changed reality of life creates motivation and pressure to take action to adapt.

The local authority - the city of Würzburg - has a central role, or several roles: as a role model, it takes care of the energy efficiency of its own buildings; as a planner and regulator, it sets concrete guidelines for climate-optimised construction; it is also a supplier of renewable energy through local municipal utilities; and it advises the local population, for example on energy-efficient renovation, adaptation to heat extremes or climate-friendly behaviour - and much more.

The aim is to strategically manage and coordinate these issues, to utilise synergies and to mainstream climate change mitigation and adaptation into all areas of life and work. This is a multidisciplinary task. It is a task that requires people from different professional backgrounds to work together - and it can also offer exciting prospects for humanities scholars.

The classic application process is undergoing a major change, from the traditional procedure to short applications, informal interviews, etc. In their presentation, the two speakers will look at current developments and new methods in the field of People & Culture and will discuss with you the innovations in the application process.

The second part of the presentation will focus on the media and communications industry itself. Here you will learn about possible job profiles in this sector. In addition to the "classics", you will also find out what other career opportunities are available in the world of media and communications. True to the motto: "We live in the most communicative age in the history of the world. Change is communication - that's the only way to create the future. And that takes professionals".

The two speakers both work for the Vogel Communications Group. Dr Gunther Schunk, a former student of German and political science at the University of Wuerzburg, is now Director of Public Relations. He is also involved in voluntary work in the fields of business, science and culture, including as co-founder of the media event "Transforming Media".

Gerhard holds a Masters in Business Administration (Business Psychology) from Middlesex University. After holding various positions, he now works as Teamlead People & Culture at Vogel Communications Group.

What do they do in the university library all day?

If you've ever asked yourself this question, you've come to the right place! This talk will give you an insight into the varied and exciting work of academic libraries and the career prospects for humanities scholars. In addition to the classic tasks of a university library, such as providing literature for a university or supporting scholarship through publications, the lecture will also take a look behind the scenes, where areas such as the handling of historical old collections, the digitisation of manuscripts, exhibitions, web and media design, programming, public relations, but also building management and much more work closely together to fulfil their mission of imparting knowledge. In addition, the opportunities and possibilities for training and further education for academic librarians will be discussed to show you the career prospects.

What are "applied linguists" and how do you become one? Applied linguists encounter surprisingly diverse career paths! Together with our expert Prof. Dr. Schulz, students from philological and linguistic fields in particular will gain insights into possible fields of activity, for example in business, society and science.

Digital marketing and storytelling are becoming increasingly relevant not only for organisations, companies and industry, but also for students, future and current leaders and social changemakers. Innovative technologies are developing ever faster and are replacing conventional marketing and storytelling strategies.

Which forms of digital marketing and storytelling can be differentiated? Which strategies help to develop or further differentiate a brand identity? How can suitable content be identified and designed for specific target groups? What role can artificial intelligence play in digital marketing and storytelling and what ethical aspects need to be considered? These questions will be explored in the lecture as part of the lecture series.

Anja C. M. Schönau, visual artist specialising in social impact, sustainability and participation

The Würzburg start-up D2 - Denkfabrik Diversität shows that business start-ups do not have to come exclusively from natural scientists and economists. The management consultancy offers innovative services in the field of diversity management and advises clients such as Borussia Dortmund, Deutscher Sparkassenverlag and the Bavarian police force. With an inclusive business model, D2 - Denkfabrik Diversität aims to promote diversity in the world of work and sees diversity as a strategic instrument of corporate management. In the lecture, Dr Julien Bobineau, co-founder of D2, presents the history of the start-up and talks about the challenges and opportunities of humanities start-ups.

Dr Julien Bobineau holds a PhD in Cultural Studies from the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg. He then worked as a researcher at various universities in Germany and abroad, specialising in postcolonial theory, critical race studies and intercultural communication. Today he works as Dr Julien Bobineau | D2 - Denkfabrik Diversität.

In addition to researching the desired employer and possible areas of work, a successful unsolicited application also requires you to analyse your own skills profile. The skills profile records the current state of your skills acquisition. It visualises the knowledge, skills and abilities you have acquired formally or informally. The acquisition of competences may have taken place within the framework of (academic) education, but also outside school and university, and includes both theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

Requests for further lecture topics and cooperation requests for the coming semesters can be addressed to Dr Annette Retsch at any time:, 0931/31-82420

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