Michael Decker

Prof. Dr. Michael Decker
Institute of Pharmacy and Food Chemistry
University of Würzburg
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg
Tel.: 0931 31-89676
Fax.: 0931 31-85460
Email: michael.decker@uni-wuerzburg.de
Web: www.decker-lab.de
Research Area:
Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry
The Decker lab designs novel biologically active compounds, synthesizes and applies them in the respective in vitro assays to elucidate their pharmacological activity.
We develop both experimental therapeutics as well as molecular probes acting at enzymes and/or G protein-coupled receptors. The molecular probes we develop cover a broad range of applications: from fluorescent ligands to study receptor function and localization over probes for chemical genomics (“target fishing”) to photopharmacological tool compounds, and PET radiotracers for diagnostics. Our experimental therapeutics are designed to effectively address one or more therapeutically relevant targets and we collaborate with computational chemists and pharmacologists to identify potential drug candidates.
Research projects: Project B5