Academic writing requires a broad set of basic skills from creating a solid concept to formulating an argument and also subject specific know-how. This is why the Schreibzentrum | Writing Center at the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg offers students a wide range of specialized trainings in academic writing, including Writing Center based workshops, in class workshops and tutorials.
Here you will also find specialized offers for the imparting of subject-specific writing competencies from experts across the disciplines.
Our Offers
Specialized workshops are offered on a regular basis at the Schreibzentrum | Writing Center to support students in developing the skills to overcome the challenges most frequently encountered in academic writing.
These workshops are part of the module "Developing and Improving Writing Skills" (ASQ-Pool). Students will receive 3 credits for participating in in at least 3 workshops and handing in a collective portfolio (approximately 10 pages in length).
Students will also receive 3 credits for participating in the monthly workshop "My Writing Project."
Under the guidance of qualified writing instructors, students not only gain insight into different text formats and approaches to writing, but also have the opportunity to discuss issues they face in their own writing processes.
- The Writing Process: Planning and Organizing Academic Writing
- My First Term Paper
- Establishing the Guiding Thread in Academic Papers
- Finding a Topic and Developing a Research Question
- Academic Style, Citation, Paraphrasing
- Orthography and Punctuation
- Position Papers and Handouts
- Reading Strategies and Annotation
In our monthly writing workshop "Mein Schreibprojekt", students receive support for the planning, implementation and completion of individual writing projects, such as bachelor's, master's and admissions, as well as dissertations, at four deadlines (at a weekly interval).
In small groups under the guidance of certified writing trainers, meetings are held on the following topics:
- Finding ways to write
- Strategies and techniques of academicc writing
- Advice on individual writing projects
- Formation of peer-writing groups with supervision by the instructor
"My Writing Project" informs, motivates and supports. Most important is that the monthly writing workshop at the Writing Center helps you reach your goal: a well-rounded and solid thesis.
Upcoming Writing Workshops
Short stories, poems, plays or an entire novel - writing is not just a question of talent, but above all of practice and honing your craft. Always wanted to write, but never could find the right words? In this weekly writing workshop, theoretical knowledge is converted into practical writing experience.
Workshop: Literary Writing (Basics)
Offers and Initiatives at the Faculty of Human Sciences and the Faculty of Arts
Studierwerkstatt Workshop: Academic Writing for International Students
Studierwerkstatt Workshop: Academic Writing (German)
Studierwerkstatt Workshop: Academic Writing - Strategy, Process, Results
Studierwerkstatt Workshop: Schriftliche Unterrichtsplanung leicht gemacht - mit digitalen Tools
Workshop Series "Academic Writing" for Romance Studies Students
Exam workshop
In the exam workshop, students receive feedback on their own test and final exams. Together with the consultants, they work out the strengths and weaknesses of their report in order to improve the stylistic implementation of the knowledge they have gained.
Writing workshop
The writing workshop is aimed at students in the first semesters. The legal writing style is introduced in weekly workshops of 90 minutes each. The focus is not on the technical content, but on the stylistically correct implementation in written legal work. The aim of the writing workshop is to provide the students with the tools to prepare a legal report.
Summer term 2023
Both in academic professions, as well as occupations requiring advanced qualifications, one is confronted repeatedly with the writing of demanding texts. In order for the writing process to take place effectively and without disturbances, it is important to reflect on and to train your personal writing and communication skills. Within this context, the Career Center offers special workshop offers in its workshop range "Methodology and Professional Competence" with the following themes:
Instagram verstehen und anwenden ( )
Mo, 8./15./22.5. und 19.6., 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr s.t.
Katharina Krimmer, Fernsehredakteurin und Produktmanagerin
Chancenreiche Berufsbilder in der Medien- und Kommunikationsbranche ( )
Di, 9.5., 12:00 - 14:00 Uhr c.t.
Dr. Gunther Schunk, Vogel Communications Group
Kommunikation und Vermarktung von Kinderbüchern (Arena-Verlag Würzburg) (
Fr, 1.6. & 30.6., jeweils 13:00 - 15:00 Uhr c.t.
Alexandra Schönleben, Florian Gall, Arena Verlag Würzburg
Trends im Recruiting ( )
Di, 14.6., 16:00 – 17.30 Uhr, s.t.
Anja Nigl, Trainerin
Visualizing and social impact - Digital Storytelling als Methode und Ressource ( )
Do, 15.6., 18:00 - 19:00 Uhr c.t.
Anja Schönau, Universitätslehrende und Bildende Künstlerin
Fachjournalist bei der Vogel Communications Group (
Transforming Media Day 2023 - Medien und digitale Gesellschaft
Fr/Mo/Fr, 23./26./30.6., 16 – 18 Uhr bzw. 12 – 19 Uhr am 26.6., c.t.
Vogel Communications Group
Journalismus-Seminar bei der Main-Post (
Fr, 7.7., 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr s.t.
Julia Haug, Journalistin bei der Main-Post
Application documents in Germany (
Di, 11.7., 14:00 – 15.00 Uhr, s.t.
Sabine Mewis, Luisa Kimmel, Career Centre, Universität Würzburg
Students who are looking for support in writing motivation letters for scholarships (domestic/abroad) or Master's study places are welcome to contact Dr. Retsch ( and Ms. Pauli ( at any time to arrange a consultation appointment.
For all questions dealing with the topic "writing for or at work", please contact:
Dr. Annette Retsch (English, German, Career Center)