Deutsch Intern


At the Schreibzentrum | Writing Center you can attend courses from four different modules, each of which counts for 3 ECTS points in the ASQ pool or the "Freie Bereich". Depending on your preference, you can deal intensively with academic and / or creative writing and develop and expand your skills in these areas. We are now offering compact workshops on selected topics of academic writing.

The modules share a common examination requirement consisting of a 10-page portfolio (approximately) in which you document the progress of developing your (scientific or creative) writing skills. The modules are offered in either English or German.

The Studierwerkstatt workshops are held by students for students and are aimed at participants in the introductory phase of their studies who have little to no experience with academic writing.

To complete a module for ECTS, either three compact workshops, all meetings of a writing group, or one intensive workshop have to be attended. 


This module focuses on the fundamental aspects of the writing process, from the preparation to the completion of a seminar paper or thesis. Students are equipped with various reading and writing strategies, which they are encouraged to explore in order to determine which are most suitable for their individual writing project. 

Objectives / Skills:

Students will become confident in drawing on a broad spectrum of writing strategies and techniques. They will develop the capacity to organize and schedule the writing process. They will develop familiarity with every essential aspect of writing strong and effective seminar papers and theses.

This module offers you several different learning paths:

Workshop: Akademisches Schreiben für internationale Studierende 

Workshop: Das Exposé zur Abschlussarbeit oder Dissertation 

Workshop: Themenfindung und Fragestellung

Workshop: Der rote Faden in einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit 

Workshop: Wissenschaftlicher Stil 

Workshop: Meine erste wissenschaftliche Hausarbeit 

Workshop: Lesestrategien und Exzerpieren

Workshop: Stolpersteine der deutschen Sprache - die Studienarbeit besser formuliere

Workshop: Was tun bei Schreibhemmungen?

Workshop: Zitieren und Paraphrasieren

Following this, you will need to write a portfolio of roughly 10 pages, which will be evaluated as either "passed" or "not passed."

In the winter term of 2024, we offer the semester-long workshopsLiterary Writing (Basics) andLiterary Writing (Advanced) on the topic of creative writing.


In this module, experienced and professional writers instruct students in various writing genres in order to provide them with the opportunity to practice creative writing in a variety of different scenarios. Students are given the opportunity to enhance their writing skills by revising drafts with the help of feedback from experts. 

Students will gain advanced writing skills in the realm of creative writing from fiction, drama, and poetry to text types used in film and television, and journalism.

Short stories, poems, theatre scenes or even a whole novel - writing is not only a question of talent, but above all of practice and craft.

Have you always wanted to write, but can't find the right words?

The workshop "Literary Writing" starts again. All students who enjoy writing prose, poetry or drama are invited. Previous knowledge is not required, only the motivation to be able to express oneself better. It doesn't matter whether someone has been writing in silence for years, has not yet completed a poem or has even had experience with their first readings.

Together we will transform theoretical insights into practical writing experiences in and outside the course. Among other things, we will deal with the following topics in the exercises:

  • Poetry that moves and excites: How do I write a poem?
  • Novel: concept, content and execution of a major writing project
  • Drama: creating characters, designing images for the stage, Self-doubt and sources of inspiration in writing.

Through regular participation and after presenting a portfolio, 3 ECTS points can be credited in the module "Creative Writing". The portfolio is made up of texts written during the course. Subsequently, you will write an approx. 10-page portfolio, which will be assessed with "pass" or "fail".

Language: German


This module imparts all of the key competencies required for strong academic writing. Instruction focuses on the preparation for and the foundations of the academic writing process, as well as  how to conduct research, and how to write in another language. Certified writing tutors use writing exercises to teach students how to produce texts types relevant to a university context. There is a special emphasis on practical application. Students receive feedback on the portfolios they create within the respective course’s framework and support for their individual, subject-specific writing projects. 

Objectives/ Skills:

Students will gain a general understanding of the foundations and techniques of academic writing, citation systems, and good scientific practice. Students will be able to to compose texts relevant to their specific field of study that are properly formatted and stylistically sound.

Studierwerkstatt Workshop: Schriftliche Unterrichtsplanung leicht gemacht 

Studierwerkstatt Workshop: Unlock Your Writing Potential (Part 1: Finding a Suitable Topic for Your Paper) 

Studierwerkstatt Workshop: Unlock Your Writing Potential (Part 2: Essential Writing Skills) 

Studierwerkstatt Workshop: Der Schreibprozess – Schritt für Schritt

Studierwerkstatt Workshop: Themenfindung und Fragestellung 

Studierwerkstatt Workshop: Struktur und Form der Studienarbeit 

Studierwerkstatt Workshop: Arbeit mit Quellen und Forschungsbeiträgen 

Studierwerkstatt Workshop: Schreiben - vom Rohtext zur Endfassung 

Studierwerkstatt Workshop: Interest, Question, Argument: Everything You Need to Structure an English-Language Term Paper 

Studierwerkstatt Workshop: You've Got Style 

Studierwerkstatt Workshop: Back to the Source: From Research Methods to Citation Style 


This module equips students with relevant key competencies in the field of academic working methods and techniques. Participants cement and extend their competencies and skills to absorb and retain written information, as is required in all fields of study. Students will practice techniques to increase their reading efficiency and cognitive text comprehension on an academic level und receive tips on how to properly approach academic texts. Students will be presented with the opportunity to practice these techniques and reflect on the constructive feedback they receive. 

Objectives/ Skills:

Students will possess interdisciplinary and personalized competencies that can be applied to the framework of their studies. They will analyze texts and improve the return on the time they invest in reading academic texts by learning to differentiate between relevant and less relevant information and to develop their own strategies to improve their reading behavior. By developing individualized competencies that can be applied across the disciplines, students will benefit in their role as active participants in the academic process. 

Studierwerkstatt Workshop: Effizienter Lesen


This module equips students with relevant key competencies in the field of academic working methods and techniques. Participants cement and extend their competencies and skills in learning and stress management. This includes organising and planning the entire learning process, working with texts, applying learning methods and dealing with stress and its triggers.

Studierwerkstatt Workshop: Lernen und Stressmanagement (Learning and stress management)

Workshop: Obsidian als digitalen Zettelkasten nutzen (Obsidian as digital knowlage base)

  • Studierwerkstatt Workshop: KI-Café (during the lecture-free period)