Deutsch Intern

Writing Tutors

The Schreibzentrum | Writing Center of the JMU gives students the opportunity to be trained as writing tutors.

Student writing tutors undergo specialized training to accompany their fellow students in the scientific writing process. As advanced students who are experience in academic writing they provide verbal and written feedback on students' excerpts, conduct short workshops on various steps in the writing process, and offer writing consultations.

The next sessions will take place from March 25th to March 28th, from 11:00 am to 05:30 pm, respectively. For more information, please see WueStudy.

To apply for the training, please write an email to

Here are some photographs of the most recent training sessions which took place at the Writing Center's workshop room from August 7th to August 11th.


The training consists of two stages:

The basic training enables tutors with didactic support by the team of the Writing Center, to conduct tutorials and consultations and accompany writing-heavy courses. It takes place as a block seminar and lasts 20 hours. Topics that are covered include:

  • An Introduction to writing didactics, phases in the writing process, goal-oriented writing methods, types of writers
  • Professional and interdisciplinary standards
  • How to give instructions for reading and annotation strategies, finding a topic and research question, citing and paraphrasing, etc.
  • How to give substantiated written feedback
  • Approaches to combat writer's block
  • Conducting writing consultations

Subsequently, trainers of the writing center accompany tutors through supervision.

Students who are interested in becoming a writing tutor can register via WueStudy


With the "Writing Tutor Certificate", the tutors receive verification that they have been trained in all relevant didactic topics and are able to create and implement didactic offers autnomously. It will be awarded after 100 addional training hours, which can consist of the following:

  • Writing tutor basic training
  • Didactic advanced training
  • Sitting in on consultations by trained Writing Center consultants
  • Conducting consultations and workshops
  • Conception of didactic materials
  • Supervisions
  • Written reflection (7-10 DIN A4 pages)

Information for Teachers

If you would like to find out more about how you can use writing tutors in your lectures, or if you have selected students in mind for writing tutor training and you are wondering how this can be financed, please contact Dr. Petra Zaus with your questions.