English Intern
Zentrum für Philologie und Digitalität "Kallimachos"


2023[ to top ]
  • Analyse, Produktion, Reflexion: Nachnutzungsszenarien für Forschungsdaten am Beispiel der Daten des Projekts Dehmel digital. Bläß, Sandra; Flüh, Marie; Nantke, Julia; Reul, Christian. In DHd2023: Open Humanities, Open Culture. 2023.
  • Synoptische Interfaces Digitaler Editionen. Herbst, Yannik; Roeder, Torsten; Reul, Christian. In DHd2023: Open Humanities, Open Culture. 2023.
  • Algorithmen-gestützte Analyse visuell-materieller Eigenschaften von Briefen. Nantke, Julia; Reul, Christian; Bläß, Sandra; Flüh, Marie. In DHd2023: Open Humanities, Open Culture. 2023.
2022[ to top ]
  • Handwritten Text Recognition und Word Mover’s Distance als Grundlagen der digitalen Edition "Die Kindheit Jesu Konrads von Fußesbrunnen". Tomasek, Stefan; Reul, Christian; Wehner, Maximilian. In DHd2022: Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses. 2022.
  • Semantische Tiefenerschli...
    Semantische Tiefenerschließung historischer Lexika mittels Text- und Typographieerkennung. Reul, Christian. In Ursula Rautenberg/Anja Voeste (Hgg.): Typographie. Theoretische Konzeptionen, historische Perspektiven, künstlerische Applikationen. 2022.
  • Open Source Handwritten T...
    Open Source Handwritten Text Recognition on Medieval Manuscripts using Mixed Models and Document-Specific Finetuning. Reul, Christian; Tomasek, Stefan; Langhanki, Florian; Springmann, Uwe. In 2022 15th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems. 2022.
  • OCR4all - Massenvolltextdigitalisierung von Drucken mithilfe von OCR-D und hochqualitative Transkription von Handschriften. Langhanki, Florian; Wehner, Maximilian; Baierer, Konstantin; Hinrichsen, Lena; Reul, Christian. In DHd2022: Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses. 2022.
2021[ to top ]
  • OCR-D & OCR4all: Two Comp...
    OCR-D & OCR4all: Two Complementary Approaches for Improved OCR of Historical Sources. Baierer, Konstantin; Büttner, Andreas; Engl, Elisabeth; Hinrichsen, Lena; Reul, Christian. In 6th International Workshop on Computational History. 2021.
  • Mixed Model OCR Training ...
    Mixed Model OCR Training on Historical Latin Script for Out-of-the-Box Recognition and Finetuning. Reul, Christian; Wick, Christoph; Nöth, Maximilian; Büttner, Andreas; Wehner, Maximilian; Springmann, Uwe. In 6th International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing. 2021.
  • One-Model Ensemble-Learni...
    One-Model Ensemble-Learning for Text Recognition of Historical Printings. Wick, Christoph; Reul, Christian. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition ICDAR 2021. 2021.
2020[ to top ]
  • Calamari - A High-Perform...
    Calamari - A High-Performance Tensorflow-based Deep Learning Package for Optical Character Recognition. Wick, Christoph; Reul, Christian; Puppe, Frank. In Digital Humanities Quarterly, 14(2). 2020.
2019[ to top ]
  • OCR4all - An Open-Source ...
    OCR4all - An Open-Source Tool Providing a (Semi-)Automatic OCR Workflow for Historical Printings. Reul, Christian; Christ, Dennis; Hartelt, Alexander; Balbach, Nico; Wehner, Maximilian; Springmann, Uwe; Wick, Christoph; Grundig, Christine; Büttner, Andreas; Puppe, Frank. In Applied Sciences, 9(22). 2019.
  • Korrektur von fehlerhaften OCR Ergebnissen durch automatisches Alignment mit Texten eines Korpus. Bald, Markus; Damiani, Vincenzo; Essler, Holger; Eyeselein, Björn; Reul, Christian; Puppe, Frank. In DHd2019: multimedial & multimodal. 2019.
  • Ground Truth for training...
    Ground Truth for training OCR engines on historical documents in German Fraktur and Early Modern Latin. Springmann, Uwe; Reul, Christian; Dipper, Stefanie; Baiter, Johannes. In JLCL: Special Issue on Automatic Text and Layout Recognition. 2019.
  • Automatic Semantic Text T...
    Automatic Semantic Text Tagging on Historical Lexica by Combining OCR and Typography Classification. Reul, Christian; Göttel, Sebastian; Springmann, Uwe; Wick, Christoph; Würzner, Kay-Michael; Puppe, Frank. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage. 2019.
  • State of the Art Optical ...
    State of the Art Optical Character Recognition of 19th Century Fraktur Scripts using Open Source Engines. Reul, Christian; Springmann, Uwe; Wick, Christoph; Puppe, Frank. In DHd 2019 Digital Humanities: multimedial & multimodal. 2019.
2018[ to top ]
  • Comparison of OCR Accurac...
    Comparison of OCR Accuracy on Early Printed Books using the Open Source Engines Calamari and OCRopus. Wick, Christoph; Reul, Christian; Puppe, Frank. In JLCL: Special Issue on Automatic Text and Layout Recognition, 33(1), pp. 79–96. 2018.
  • Improving OCR Accuracy on...
    Improving OCR Accuracy on Early Printed Books by Utilizing Cross Fold Training and Voting. Reul, Christian; Springmann, Uwe; Wick, Christoph; Puppe, Frank. In 2018 13th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems. 2018.
  • Improving OCR Accuracy on...
    Improving OCR Accuracy on Early Printed Books by combining Pretraining, Voting, and Active Learning. Reul, Christian; Springmann, Uwe; Wick, Christoph; Puppe, Frank. In JLCL: Special Issue on Automatic Text and Layout Recognition, 33(1), pp. 3–24. 2018.
2017[ to top ]
  • Transfer Learning for OCR...
    Transfer Learning for OCRopus Model Training on Early Printed Books. Reul, Christian; Wick, Christoph; Springmann, Uwe; Puppe, Frank. In 027.7 Journal for Library Culture. 2017.
  • LAREX – A semi-automati...
    LAREX – A semi-automatic open-source Tool for Layout Analysis and Region Extraction on Early Printed Books. Reul, Christian; Springmann, Uwe; Puppe, Frank. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage. ACM, 2017.
  • Case Study of a highly au...
    Case Study of a highly automated Layout Analysis and OCR of an incunabulum: ‘Der Heiligen Leben’ (1488). Reul, Christian; Dittrich, Marco; Gruner, Martin. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage. ACM, 2017.
2016[ to top ]
  • Cross Dataset Evaluation ...
    Cross Dataset Evaluation of Feature Extraction Techniques for Leaf Classification. Reul, Christian; Toepfer, Martin; Puppe, Frank. In International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications. 2016.
  • Expectation-driven Text E...
    Expectation-driven Text Extraction from Medical Ultrasound Images. Reul, Christian; Köberle, Philipp; Üçeyler, Nurcan; Puppe, Frank. In Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2016.
  • Autonomous Quadrocopter f...
    Autonomous Quadrocopter for Search, Count and Localization of Objects. Gageik, Nils; Reul, Christian; Montenegro, Sergio. In Recent Advances in Robotic Systems. 2016.