FOR 2757 (2019-2023)

LoSAM Working Paper No. 5 published


Adrian S. Erben's paper on "Critical objects of regulation" provides a concise introduction to a particular conflict prone and relative subcategory, the so-called “critical” objects of regulation.

“Object of regulation” means a community problem that is either regulated by the central power or by a local actor. This paper provides a concise introduction to a particular conflict prone and relative subcategory, the so-called “critical” objects of regulation. The attribute “critical” refers to the quality of the consequences that the dysfunctionality of the regulatory system of the object of regulation may entail.

After a brief introduction of the concept, two examples each taken from the regulatory areas of “material foundations” (food supply; water supply) and “socio-cultural foundations” (chariot races; episcopacy) will be identified with reference to the characteristics formulated at the beginning, by using the example of the ancient metropolis of Antioch on the Orontes.

Two points of references in particular are suitable for identifying critical subjects of regulation: 1) Local conflicts, which can manifest themselves in public expressions of discontent, outbreaks of violence or restorative interventions by the central power; 2) Euergetic actions aimed at generating social capital are concentrated on particularly important or popular regulatory issues.

The outlook contains a résumé and refers to trans-epochal and trans-disciplinary transfer possibilities.

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