P1 - Physics of Giardia adhesion
P2 - Predicting forces and shapes for invasion of apicomplexan parasites into host cells
P3 - Cytoadherence of Plasmodium infected erythrocytes
P4 - Mechanical strategies to avoid interspecies competition in trypanosomes
P5 - Consequences of microtubule posttranslational modifications on the physics of the parasite Trypanosoma brucei
P6 - Modelling trypanosome motility in blood flow
P7 - Data-driven agent-based modelling of Trypanosoma collective behaviour
P8 - Structural determinants and function of chirality in the motion of malaria parasites
P9 - Physics of parasitic arthropods on marine mammals
P10 - Biomechanics of adhesion, motion and reproduction in platyhelminths
P11 - Biophysical methods to quantify mechanics, shapes and forces
P12 - Locomotion of parasitic nematodes in the gut: movement in viscoelastic mucus intertwined with the metabolic activity of the nematodes
P13 - Physical principles of parasite-host interactions in Giardia muris infection
P14 - Building a data-driven model of a 'virtual parasite'
P15 - Dynamics and forces during first stages of Entamoeba tissue invasion
P16 - Biophysics of immune-cell hijacking by Toxoplasma gondii
Toni Aebischer
Thorsten Auth
Iris Bruchhaus
Anil Kumar Dasanna
Markus Engstler
Klaus Ersfeld
Dmitry Fedosov
Sabine Fischer
Friedrich Frischknecht
Stanislav N. Gorb
Christoph G. Grevelding
Jochen Guck
Thomas Gutsmann
Simone Häberlein
Anja Erika Hauser
Karin Jacobs
Jan Philipp Jung
Christian Klotz
Philip Kollmannsberger
Kristina Lehnert-Sobotta
Ralf Metzler
Alexander Mosig
Sebastian Rausch
Jörg Renkawitz
Benedikt Sabass
Felix H. Schacher
Ulrich Schwarz
Christine Selhuber-Unkel
Matthias Weiss
P1 - Physics of Giardia adhesion
P2 - Predicting forces and shapes for invasion of apicomplexan parasites into host cells
P3 - Cytoadherence of Plasmodium infected erythrocytes
P4 - Mechanical strategies to avoid interspecies competition in trypanosomes
P5 - Consequences of microtubule posttranslational modifications on the physics of the parasite Trypanosoma brucei
P6 - Modelling trypanosome motility in blood flow
P7 - Data-driven agent-based modelling of Trypanosoma collective behaviour
P8 - Structural determinants and function of chirality in the motion of malaria parasites
P9 - Physics of parasitic arthropods on marine mammals
P10 - Biomechanics of adhesion, motion and reproduction in platyhelminths
P11 - Biophysical methods to quantify mechanics, shapes and forces
P12 - Locomotion of parasitic nematodes in the gut: movement in viscoelastic mucus intertwined with the metabolic activity of the nematodes
P13 - Physical principles of parasite-host interactions in Giardia muris infection
P14 - Building a data-driven model of a 'virtual parasite'
P15 - Dynamics and forces during first stages of Entamoeba tissue invasion
P16 - Biophysics of immune-cell hijacking by Toxoplasma gondii
Toni Aebischer
Thorsten Auth
Iris Bruchhaus
Anil Kumar Dasanna
Markus Engstler
Klaus Ersfeld
Dmitry Fedosov
Sabine Fischer
Friedrich Frischknecht
Stanislav N. Gorb
Christoph G. Grevelding
Jochen Guck
Thomas Gutsmann
Simone Häberlein
Anja Erika Hauser
Karin Jacobs
Jan Philipp Jung
Christian Klotz
Philip Kollmannsberger
Kristina Lehnert-Sobotta
Ralf Metzler
Alexander Mosig
Sebastian Rausch
Jörg Renkawitz
Benedikt Sabass
Felix H. Schacher
Ulrich Schwarz
Christine Selhuber-Unkel
Matthias Weiss
Stop animation
Physics of Parasitism
Physics of Parasitism
Anton Aebischer
Karin Jacobs
Christian Klotz
Philipp Jung
Thorsten Auth
Anil Kumar Dasanna
Iris Bruchhaus
Thomas Gutsmann
Markus Engstler
Klaus Ersfeld
Matthias Weiss
Dmitry Fedosov
Gerhard Gompper
Sabine Fischer
Friedrich Frischknecht
Ulrich Schwarz
Stanislav N. Gorb
Kristina Lehnert-Sobotta
Christoph G. Grevelding
Simone Häberlein
Alexander Mosig
Felix H. Schacher
Jochen Guck
Susanne Hartmann
Raluca Aura Niesner
Anja Erika Hauser
Sebastian Rausch
Philip Kollmannsberger
Ralf Metzler
Christine Selhuber-Unkel
Jörg Renkawitz
Benedikt Sabass
Physics of Parasitism
Toni Aebischer
Thorsten Auth
Iris Bruchhaus
Anil Kumar Dasanna
Markus Engstler
Klaus Ersfeld
Dmitry Fedosov
Sabine Fischer
Friedrich Frischknecht
Stanislav N. Gorb
Christoph G. Grevelding
Jochen Guck
Thomas Gutsmann
Simone Häberlein
Anja Erika Hauser
Karin Jacobs
Jan Philipp Jung
Christian Klotz
Philip Kollmannsberger
Kristina Lehnert-Sobotta
Ralf Metzler
Alexander Mosig
Sebastian Rausch
Jörg Renkawitz
Benedikt Sabass
Felix H. Schacher
Ulrich Schwarz
Christine Selhuber-Unkel
Matthias Weiss
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