Deutsch Intern
Rudolf Virchow Center for Integrative and Translational Bioimaging

Dr. Katherina Hemmen

Since 2018 Dr. Katherina Hemmen is responsible for supporting our users with their data analysis of fluorescence microscopy images from all kinds (confocal, light sheet, wide field ….) with in the Core Unit Fluorescence Imaging.

In particular she introduces new users to image analysis software such as Fiji or Imaris and she develops custom data analysis pipelines tailored to the specific project needs. Furthermore, she supports our practical courses and gets you started on our data analysis work stations, e.g. the CUI-BEE or our JuypterHub (for python-based analysis pipelines).

Due to her PhD in single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy, she also has a strong expertise in fluorescence spectroscopy methods such as Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), time-resolved fluorescence and fluorescence anisotropy.

Thus, in the Chair of Molecular Microscopy she is establishing fluorescence imaging spectroscopy (fluorescence lifetime imaging) in live cells using our 4-channel polarization resolved time-resolved detection module attached to the Zeis LSM 980. Time-resolved fluorescence methods are ideally suited to study protein dynamics, interactions or mobility and can resolve sub-populations / heterogeneities. Furthermire, due to the low required concentrations, measurements close to the physiological concentration are possible.