University Tent 2024

From May 29 to June 2, 2024, the Forum Africa Centre was once again be represented with the university tent at Europe's largest and oldest festival for African music and culture. The University Tent of the Julius-Maximilian University of Würzburg (JMU) has been an integral part of the Africa Festival for 15 years. In the tent, the JMU presented a selection of its many Africa-related projects.
Once again this year, the university tent offered a wide variety of topics: They range from medical research and geographical projects to highlighting colonial traces in Würzburg. JMU staff was on hand to provide visitors with information about the projects. The organization team was particularly happy to welcome Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth. She visited the university tent accompanied by Würzburg's Climate Mayor Martin Heilig. Claudia Roth discussed the dealing with colonialism in Germany with JMU students in a panel discussion.
We also welcomed Würzburg's Lord Mayor Christian Schuchardt, University President Prof. Paul Pauli and Vice President Doris Fischer – along with hundreds of other visitors who were interested in the exhibition and activities in the university tent. A selection of photo impressions can be found here on this page.